Kind of scary really… Guess you should be careful! Delete what you dont need
Kind of scary really… Guess you should be careful! Delete what you dont need
Bah, everyone points this out. I’m not worried.
i dont know but I feel a bit safer in france; the government here is really strict about privacy &laws invading privacy like the ones instored after 9/11 would never ever happen even if we had terrorist threat (and we do).
so i don’t think isps (and mine I hope) would give the recording industry the name of their clients…
*Originally posted by Coppertop *
**Bah, everyone points this out. I’m not worried. **
famous last words…
RIAA talks and acts like the CIA but dont do nothing. While we are on the subject of bootlegging I gotta apply the hate - I remember a while back when eminem was complaining about how they rip his ration of **** album and his new money maker 50 cent, who cant really rap and compares himself to tupac - no real comparsion. They just both suck *** and need to leave it alone. Yeah iam sorry that bootlegging only allowed you to put 22’s spinners on your suv when you could of got 26’s.
And to add, I do not know how the RIAA is gonna get 750 - 150k PER SONG out of people who download mp3s, HALF the reason I download these suckas is cause I cant afford to buy all these albums for their 2 songs and the rest is crap. Yeah boy brandon over here is not a high rolla
I hope the RIAA go bankrupt.
I don’t care one way or another whether downloading music is legal or illegal. But as long as the RIAA uses gestapo tactics, I’m against them and pro-kazaa users.
Plus, I’m still against these musicians making millions of dollars.
Thank god I live in the good ol’ the Netherlands.
RIAA can suck my balls. I buy CD’s wich I like, i support people who make good music. The ones *****in’ about how their profits whent/goes down alomst always make bad or so/so music that I don’t want in my cd-player.
They are the ones with money wich they don’t deserve. Like bad rappers and popqueens that are dictated by the music companies. Most of them wouldn’t exist without music companies, cause mc’s put a lot of money in their image to become what they are now.
I think you would have to either be really stupid or really brave to use kazaa right now. Even if you use peer guardian and other firewalls how could you ever be sure that the RIAA or FBI couldn’t see your files? All they need is your IP address to be exposed for a few seconds to be able to find out a crap load of information about you.
I know that I’m playing right into their hands by not using Kazaa and other file sharers, but are a few MP3’s worth the hassle of a lawsuit? I guess if you’re really into music you should find a friend with similar taste and split the cost of the CD.
Well you can mask yourself over and over and over in Kazaa. Use Kazza Lite, disable filesharing, disable user file searching, run through a firewall, a subnet mask, and a router. On top of that, only go on for the 35 seconds it takes to download a song. Seems pretty straightforward.
Well you can mask yourself over and over and over in Kazaa. Use Kazza Lite, disable filesharing
Yes, let’s all disable filesharing. No no one can track us down, not even the RIAA! Muhahaahaa!!! :S
Ad if they found out your ip, just reset your modem (ie pull out the power cable and putting it back in) or go offline an onlina again (dial-up). Your ip has changed.
A good advise is to strip every mp3 from any hashes that it has. Don’t know how, but there must be alot of programs capable of doing just that.
Personally dont even use kazaa anymore, it was great when it frist came out. Now, even with kazaa-lite, I do not mind clicking the 50 advertisements on a mp3 website… still buy cds, but hell dont even use them cause all of the files on minidiscs.
But seriously if your afriad go to kmart and get yourself some cheapo hitclips. ( i remember seeing those commericals all the time, what ever happened to those )
I seriously need to find somethin to do for the next 30 days
guys, talking about p2p’s is ok from my understanding of past kirupa/mod rulings, but I think the line is drawn when you start talking about how to mask your ip so the riaa can’t see what you have. Watch it, rev/dan have their fingers on the ban button a lot recently :P.
*Originally posted by mlkdesign *
**i dont know but I feel a bit safer in france; the government here is really strict about privacy &laws invading privacy like the ones instored after 9/11 would never ever happen even if we had terrorist threat (and we do).
so i don’t think isps (and mine I hope) would give the recording industry the name of their clients… **
You should feel very safe in France, as of yet, the RIAA is only targeting people in the US.
pssss - this ain’t no hacka phawum. It’s a nice - peaceful community of designers. Ok i guess rev and dan are the black sheep…
anyway - they didn’t get me during the time I ripped music with tapes - why should they do it with mp3s ****it.
I think you would have to either be really stupid or really brave to use kazaa right now.
Yeah all 3,5 million of us are stopping tumorrow - I assure you :trout:
GOD! how many kirupa forums can you have open at the same time??!!
Ad if they found out your ip, just reset your modem (ie pull out the power cable and putting it back in) or go offline an onlina again (dial-up). Your ip has changed.
Your ISP keeps a log of who is logged into which IP at what time…it wouldn’t do any good to get a new IP…besides, they’re mainly going after people with high speed connections (lots of bandwith for sharing) whose IP address doesn’t change with a reboot.
I guess I should restate myself…“I think you would have to either be really stupid or really brave to <b>share files</b> on kazaa right now.”
I think this topic is closed…
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