Keep an eye out

for Lost!!!

he’s about to hit the big 10K!!!

well… in another 300+ posts… but hey, it’s lost… check back tomorrow and he’ll be waaay past it :P:P:P

well… in another 300+ posts…

lol that’s probably what i’ll have by the end of this week.

300?? He could 've managed that in the time you were writing the post! You need to give yourself a cushion of atleast 750 :wink:

How does the man manage it?!? :stunned:

I´ll tell ya how he manage this:

He´s a flash genius, but closed shut, and with a sense of humor of a stone, so he figured:

Shane´s thougths**
Mmmm… if i hire ppl to post jokes and lovely remarks in random while i help ppl out in help sections, i´ll be known as the funny-flash-wiz, and plus: i´ll have an enormous post count :!: :beam:

So, he employed a group of 12 filipine womens, at the cost of $0.84 women/hour to type posts in random under his account. :wink:

Smart huh?

lol Guig0

I really do think that GuigO put waaaaay to much thought into that whole thing. I honestly think this isnt the first time he has pondered this questions :slight_smile:

What, the whole ‘employing ladies to do the owners bidding’ kind of thing?

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**What, the whole ‘employing ladies to do the owners bidding’ kind of thing? **

what owners bidding’ kind of thing??

what thing?

Er… ‘To do someones’ bidding’ means to do what someone tells you.

Sorry, my weird English. :wink:


Originally posted by Kitiara
What, the whole ‘employing ladies to do the owners bidding’ kind of thing?

I think if we’re honest, we’ve all at least considered it at some point.



Tsk tsk, naughty boys. :slight_smile:

Heh, nice footer Legoman, I just read the text on it. :beam:

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**Er… ‘To do someones’ bidding’ means to do what someone tells you.

Sorry, my weird English. :wink: **

That i understand kit. but what does that have to do with anything?

I have no idea. I think I just went off on a tangent somewhere along the line.

so, let´s just drop the subject, and get back to shane´s inhuman post count, shall we? :stuck_out_tongue:

Indeed. :slight_smile:

I subscribe to the theory that he’s not human. He’s another cyborg. Doesn’t need food or sleep, so he can post constantly. :cyborg:

Im gonna shoot for the ‘monkey butlers’ theory.


…but didn’t guig0 start the whole hiring of ladies subject himself…?

got the footer from a pub quiz team-name the other night. it’s one of the greatest sources of humour on the planet, or maybe the beer just makes it seem that way.

I think he has a small army of bodies that link up to one omniescent mind.