Keyboard alert!

LOl! the right arrow key on my keyboard wasn’t working propely! It was like… working… not working…! So my borther opened up the keyboard but couldn’t find the problem! So I opened it up and saw a little piece of hair stuck between the 2 electronic sheets (wuteva they’re called)! So I removed it, pu it back together and voila! It’s working!
Ever felt like a million bucks because of removing a piece of hair? :beam:

My keyboard is full of dog hair and soda and food and basically anything that should harm electronics and for some reason it has never broken. Isn’t that wierd?
That’s funny that one hair messed yours up:beam:

yeah, right after i get a hair cut…but i doubt thats the same feeliing. lol

that’s kinda gross.

yeah 28 you should clean it out brotha. or buy some compressed air or something. i love that stuff, it takes all this crap outta my keyboard.

It’s totally clean! That hair was the only thing down there!

i was talking more to 28, but thats good to hear too!

*Originally posted by xxviii *
**My keyboard is full of dog hair and soda and food and basically anything that should harm electronics and for some reason it has never broken. Isn’t that wierd?
That’s funny that one hair messed yours up:beam: **

Why dog hair?.. Wait, nvm I do not want to know.

my firend has sweet and sour sause in his shift button :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by Alex *
**my firend has sweet and sour sause in his shift button :stuck_out_tongue: **

My god that sounds dirty!


oh brother,dont even explain lol

hahah I have all kinds of stuff in my keyboard an its also still wo

lol, you ment to leave out those letters i assume sen? :stuck_out_tongue:

I think somebody should do a test of how much beer cans (33 cl) a keybord can take. :stuck_out_tongue:

I know my computer can take 1/2 a mountain dew poured directly on the keyboard. I don’t know how. It’s got like water holes so that the water that’s poured on the keyboard comes out the bottom of the computer. Thank gosh, only problem I had was the space bar being kinda sticky for a while, but just had to take it off and clean it.

Note to self: Don’t try to wipe the water off a can with the same hand that is holding the can. I really need more sleep sometimes.

Lol, I just vacum my keyboard everytime I vacum my room. It gets rid of all the finger oils that I have on the keyboard. Plus, I spray it with Lysol every now and then to kill those germs. I heard somewhere that a keyboard is dirtier than a public doornob.
