I spilled some coke on my keyboard, and now my spacebar is sticky. Do any of you know how to clean it, or if places like compusa would do it (in under 4 weeks). It’s a laptop keyboard btw.
NWC :trout:
I spilled some coke on my keyboard, and now my spacebar is sticky. Do any of you know how to clean it, or if places like compusa would do it (in under 4 weeks). It’s a laptop keyboard btw.
NWC :trout:
here’s what my friend did:
he unscrewed it, took that soft sticky thing out, along with the light things at the top right, and anything else electrical, then he took a bath with rest of the keyboard.
Do it yourself, I spilled drinks on mine before and I took it apart and cleaned each key.
Of course you’ll have to remember where each key goes before you take it apart.
Right now my “L” controls the letter O and my letter “P” is really an H so learn from my mistakes.
a client of mine was showing off his brand new blingbling laptop he just bought from Dell, in the back of a limo, when the driver had to stop suddenly, spilling his full glass of wine into the keyboard…
He called up Dell, simply said the computer stopped working, and they sent a guy out with a new laptop the next day…
Now, for your problem, I’m not sure…
LOL Rev, now we know why you’re a mod. :beam:
amazing isn’t it?
Mind boggling.
well mines a bit older, so i don’t know if it’ll still be in the warranty. Plus I can’t really unscrew it (i don’t think).
So… EG, how do you take the keys off. I don’t wanna pull and just rip the plastic and have to get a whole new case since it’d prob. be hard to fix the little plastic thing on the keyboard.
Also, someone said I could possibly put rubbing alcohol in it, would that work, or would that like destroy the computer?
nali…everything can be unscrewed.
Nali, I’m not sure how your keyboard is, but mine, the keys simply fall out once the top face plate is removed from the bottom half.
Or cracked open, whatever your preferance.
My input: get a new keyboard. if it is as old as you say it is, its worth replacing. Besides, its only about $15 US for a new keyboard mouse set. But, if you dont want to do that, just use good old B.F. and I - Brute Force and Ignorance to rip those keys of and clean them that way.
dont bring coke or any dring near laptops. i wouldnt use the rubbing alchahol because i think that it will destroy it, lemme ask my mom…ok yeah i was right, she thinks it would be really really bad…
just take it in the bathtub with you… thats what I do. Oh and you should see my keyboard. I don’t think a single key is in the correct spot. It really messes with peoples heads when they try to use my comp…
when my buddy went to interview for a shcool he droped by the school tech dept. where we use only macs and he hadent used them before, well the techies changed the keyboards around so wehn he saw it he was frekin out cause he thought he would have to learn another keyboard
I did some research on the web, and this is what I found:
and here is the google search:
that might help
lol thank you dipi. I tried all these different forms of that, but never thought of cleanING.
Lol. Does the keys work anymore? If not, then you’d have to go hardcore and unscrew it. If it still works, just apply warm water on a wet clothe and rub it everywhere and then let it dry.
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