Kiaeneto Clothing Line Seeking WebDeveloper

Ok so heres the deal. I work for a clothing line that is looking to hire a webdeveloper and they will pay up to 1k for a site. Contact me (Lukasz) at or 616-334-2054 if you are interested.

I’m interested but I wouldn’t mind a few more details as far as what it is that they’re looking for.

Can the person hired work off site?
Will they be selling items online? If so do they have a shopping cart program, or would they need on for the site?
What are they looking for - XHTML/CSS, Flash, PHP/ASP, etc.?
Rough timeline estimate - Do they need it done ASAP, within a month, etc.?

More details may help you get less emails from people who may not be able to handle the job… that’s just a suggestion though.

yeah more details please!