One of my best friends was telling me this today. A girl from his girlfriend’s dorm found a wallet while shopping in Antwerp yesterday. I’ve met this girl a couple of times, really sweet, really nice and totally honest. Well, she looked into it and it contained about €100 (about $100). She checks whose wallet it is and she took out the id. It was from a turkish guy who happened to live in antwerp. Honest as she is, she decides to bring back the wallet to the living place that’s mentioned on the id, she knows the street because it’s real close to Antwerp’s main shopping street. When she arrived at the address, she rang the bell and the same turkish person from the id opens the door. She does her story (that she found the wallet and came to return it). The guy takes the wallet and the only thing he says is “Don’t drink any Coca-Cola in December”. No “thank you”, no “oh, that’s great, thanks”, only that and then he closes the door.
She’s still kinda in shock today and she has been asking on msn what she should do, whether or not she should go to the cops and all…
But man, this is another proof that no one is to be trusted in this world.