so while walking back from lunch today, i found a wallet on in the intersection. i picked it up and when i got to my work, i called the lady and told her i had her wallet. she came and picked it up, thanked me profusely, and gave me ten dollars.
i told her i didn’t want any money, but she insisted. she said she was glad to see that there are honest people left in this world.
*Originally posted by telekinesis *
**How about, you both take me to ‘The Keg’ (expensive steak place) and then over to Best Buy so I can buy some stuff?
Sounds like a plan :thumb: **
only in AZ would the fancy expensive steak place be called “The Keg.”
actually rev, we have the Keg up here in Canada too.
anyway. pinx, depending on what type of mood I was in, I might have pocketed some cash and pretended it was like that when I found it.
but if I was in a bad mood, i would have sold it on e-bay for much more. (kidding) I dunno, my actions would vary depending on how I was feeling at the time.
*Originally posted by sintax321 *
**Ya in Canada The Keg is a very good but costly steak house. I’ve only eaten in one better steak house and it was $60 for my steak dinner there.
Nice move on the wallet Pinx. If you belive in karma you are well on your way to an nice white elephant. **
try $150 USD for one of 30-50 restaurants in this town for a steak dinner… at least…
but we are talking a different class of restaurant, I’m sure. None of these are “chains.”