Just had a chance to see Peter Jacksons latest epic King Kong last night and i have to tell you guys its absolutely fantastic. Im not sure how many people are fans of the original I have always liked it since its very much a part of my childhood but I was always more of a godzilla kid. But unlike the absolute garbage that the new Godzilla movie was King Kong is the best movie this year and definitely one of the best movies i have ever seen. The element i think everyone is going to go crazy over is how real they have been able to make Kong. He is completely a cg creation but its the first time you will see one with a soul. I know that sounds corny but its absolutely true those Weta guys have shown themselves to be the real wizards in our world by creating something that you completely genuinely care for. Jackson has been saying for years how his lifes dream has been to shoot king kong and it shows in every minute of film. Every scene is just packed with so much detail that you cant help but marvel at the way Jackson is able to so easily control the audience the way he wants to. You buy the relationship between Darrow and Jack, Jack black actually is capable of playing a real human being that isnt trying to assault satan with his guitar although he is quite entertaining when doing so. And the end of the movie probably the most regarded moment of the orginal is shot so perfectly that i was crying like a little girl(which i should have known was coming since i got a little teary eyed during the original when kong was a clay figurine with a crazy eye). Its not perfect there is some noticable drop in the quality of the CG but i suspect thats because of time and the shots that matter which are basically all the shots with Kong look absolutely astounding. Its the perfect end to a year of amazing movies but this one will make you feel like a little kid again and i cant think of any greater accomplishment.
Thanks for letting me rant,