
It’s pointing to Extreme Gamerz now?

If it’s now pointing to the host’s web site then it’s more likely that the web host took the site down after being notified about the theft of content.

Being UBMan is great. Such power - yikes !!!

Wohoo! I e-mailed Vile, and I believe he may be the one who took the site down :slight_smile: I got a response from him stating that he will “look into this” - so it’s good :wink:

Kirupa :cyclops:

Strangely enough I never got a reply to my email… :sure:

At least the site is down now.

Kit, did you e-mail vile or gg? I didn’t get a response back from gg though.

Hurrah! :beam:

SCORE!!! Good job Kirupa :slight_smile:

I emailed GG directly… I was pretty ticked off at the time. No-one’s ever taken my work like that before, so I was probably a little curt in my correspondence… :smirk:


I still think we should’ve let Dan deal with this…

Dan’s kinda busy…

but that would have been funny…


Who’s Dan ?

Dan :slight_smile:

we should search for more rip off sites…


*Originally posted by Kitiara *
Strangely enough I never got a reply to my email… :sure:
bah! I didn’t get a reply to my email either! :hurt:
aaand! she didn’t add me to her msn list yet either! :wink:

*Originally posted by ahmed *

I still think we should’ve let Dan deal with this… **
Did someone call for me?

*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**Dan’s kinda busy…

but that would have been funny…

Rev **
True, but of course never too busy to regulate pricks!

*Originally posted by mlkdesign *
**Who’s Dan ? **
Shame on you!!! :evil:

*Originally posted by Soul *
**Dan :slight_smile: **
Fa shizzle mah nizzle! :wink:


he saw the Bat [edit]Ban[/edit] signal…


What’s up Rev?

My cousin told me that you almost banned him! :stuck_out_tongue:

If it ever comes to that at least let me have the pleasure :wink:

It would have taken a lot more than that, I was just playing bad cop…

everything is cool…

all water under the bridge… I don’t hold grudges. too much wasted energy.


I just got back from Terminator 3 with my cousin, hot daaaamn it was a good movie!