
*Originally posted by Jubba *
**alex, its “YOU’RE” not “YOUR”

YOU’RE = you are

YOUR = implies ownership **

i dont care, i think they got the picture though.

i fixed it jubba, =)

I just noticed … their logo looks suspiciouly alike the one has … See for yourself:

– Flashfreaks

– GG

this person is such a loser.

searously, she is a freeloader.

I’m searching the web, for something more about her…

could this be her?

She likes : - her JOB :

  • teaching computing students

Hmm, perhaps, but she seems to friendly

She doesn’t look too smart, so there is a chance that it’s her :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, that’s not her - unless she stole that name also :slight_smile: I just e-mailed Vile about it; time to take to their ISP if I do not hear from them in a short while (1-2 days) =)

lights start to flicker, due to kirupa’s wrath

LOL! we have to get dan to sign her guest book. =) =)

This one maybe ?

BTW: what does a Geordie girl means?

A Geordie is someone from Newcastle, in England. :slight_smile:

I’m assuming you know what a girl is. :wink:

Its an Enlish term…

  1. A native or inhabitant of Newcastle upon Tyne, England, or its environs.
  2. The dialect of English spoken by Geordies.
  • Soul :s:

no I don’t :crazy:

the reply doesnt work any more for her guest book

The page cannot be found
The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

Still spamming her?:flower:

now she is trying to cover up…

“Doh! It looks like we made an oopsy :wink:

wow, she took the whole site down!!!



hmm, you’re right! :thumb:

She DID !? Lemme have a look … Yup ! Down ! Hurray ! :stuck_out_tongue: