Kirupa, you could seriously sue him. Or if you don’t want to be mean about it, at least get a lawyer to send him a cease and desist letter. I’ve been studying up on copyright law for the last week or so… hehe.
well then you see that the design and all the stuff is you’ve done is sooo good that otha ppl can’t do that so they have to rip but still makes me mad! And that nickstealer who stole my nick is soooooo laaameee! This makes me get a heart-attack at the age of 14!
Ye let’s make his mailbox full of messages saying “WHAT A RIPOFF”!
Can’t there be a privacy policy or sth? actually I don’t know what a privacy policy means to don’t laught it it wasn’t the thing I meant! License or sth! =)
All designs/content on the internet, regardless of whether a copyright notice is displayed or not, is copyrighted by the creator of the material. Of course, this site does mention Copyright 2003, etc, etc.
Lava, no I’m not going to sue him or send a letter from a lawyer - this is no real biggie; just a minor annoyance. The design, even after the ripoff, doesn’t really look all that good anyway =)
Bollox to whether or not he’s smallfry, you should hit him with everything you’ve got. Ones creative talent and skills should never be so blatently copied. This site is awesome, no one should take any part of it away from you Kirupa, esp. the design.
You really should take some action against this loser.
hahaha K-man I dont think you have anythign to worry about - his looks like a 12 year old boy who types with his toes did it compared to yours I guess being copied is the truest form of flattery but it still stinks!