Kirupa Cribs - Home Entertainment Edition!

Sure Adam! :stuck_out_tongue: Key is under the rock in the neighbor’s yard and beer is in the fridge! :beer:

hehe :beer: that makes it worth the drive :stuck_out_tongue: Plus I could bring my Willow to keep your dogs occupied, she could use the fun, was sprayed in the face by a skunk on Saturday :frowning: she’s alright though
but it got her in the open mouth
I thought doggy breath was bad
doggy skunk breath is even worse :gm:

Yowch!! Bet she’s not allowed back in the house for a couple of days . . . :frowning:

My big girl went after a raccoon the other night. Thankfully there aren’t any known cases of rabies but those critters sure are mean and it scared the crap out of me. And literally out of the raccoon . . . heh heh.

Anyway - back to topic! :tb:


Yeah, I would imagine raccoons could be quite viscious if cornered. Glad there wasn’t an “incident”. Willow smells fine, it happened at 1am Sat., I was a drunken idiot - as usual, sitting in the backyard with a fire going, gf was stone sober - as usual - so she ran out right away and bought tomato juice
so Willow smells fine, except for when she licks you
but it’s getting much better even as of today. :smiley:


but yes, back to topic :smiley: //sorry for minor hijack

This is where all the “action” happens.

This is the few I got over the indutrie terain.

teh AXE! with amplifier.

There’s the box and If you look closely you can see there’s an PS2 standing there.

This is my old pc. upgraded a milliond times.

My Tv
 and bhind it my NGC
 wich you can’t see :stuck_out_tongue:

This is the work station
 With my WACOM :love:[/FONT]

Nice Room T-O! Messy like mine

Oh and you better cover up that drive slot in your case, dust will flow in like a mother :wink:

Haha action huh T-O? All the action happens in those south park sheets huh?

Lol, just noticed that :wink:

Aww - it’s so cute. He has south park leg leg pillows =).

Rofl :krazy:.


Can I just ask what in the world this is?

Hey now guys, don’t start comparing the size of your WACOMS like real men in public ey :wink:

Rofl - shh el.

I didnt tell YOU
 but my Wacom Is MASSIVE.

Unlike something else

 my usb drive is kinda small

That didn’t sound right but it fits the picture.

No offense, but in this context, that sounds kinda gay lol :lol:


Fits himm though. Fits 'im.

Oh cmon, shut up allready you guys have had your fun.

That was yesterday I believe o little spencer.

Good god. Well, lets pretend it counts for EVERY day huh?

And what is this newfound obsession with saying my name?