Oh I will dont you worry :beam:
You better Fester… or your getting a spear to the gut! :bad:
::cowers in fear:::
Ok I will I will!
Eskimos don’t mess around dude. Serial Killer or not…
Finally, I took some snaps of my PC and my pad…
There is about 1MB of Imagery here…sorry 56Kers…
What house isnt complete without scareface?..
My toys, there is also a hidden NES in the cabinet and the bookshelf to the left has 2 shelves of DVD’s and Games…dont mind the mess…I DONT!
Different perspective…Up top are my 1970’s JBL powerhouses. They will take down a skyscraper. You cant touch 70’s audio.
Finally, here is my IBuyPower.com nuclear reactor. This thing rocks and is ready to take on HL-2. And the logitech wireless keyboard and mouse dont suck either
The box
8x DVD/Rw and the case is running at a perfectly normal 28 Degrees Celcius.
And that concludes our tour of festers pad. :thumb:
That’s a great house man! I’m loving in! And nice case there man, I was thinking about buying one of those too, but ran out of pennies :beam: J/K man, nice stuff.
Oh and nice BG on the desktop
In your DVD, collection, I spotted out Halo, Unreal Championship (I think), RainbowSix 3, and tons of other PS2 and xbox games
Oh and lovin’ the Tony Montana pic man, defienetly great!
Nice work fester… you are a man of your word
I like the retro consoles in there bro, very nice touch. A man after my own heart! I bet the back of your entertainment looks just as terrible as mine does. **** wires. You try to make them look nice but it never looks good!
The new PC of yours is AWESOME! I wish those people would ship to Canada
Thank man!
I love my Tony Montana picture in the center of my living room.
You all welcome anytime. Just bring miller light :beam:
The retro consoles rock man!
That sucks those guys wont ship to canada. Their machines are so chep and perform incredibly.
Thanks again for the tip unflux
Well that did it. Now I’m going to have to buy one!! :lol: Yep, silver is the way to go. Dang purty machine. Did you get Pentium or AMD? Did you go for extra fans to help keep it cool? My house is not insulated at all and gets pretty warm in the summer. Did you get the wireless keyboard and mouse through ibuypower also or buy them separate?
I configured my dream machine the other day and it was WAAAAAY more than I wanted to spend. Guess I’m gonna have to cut out some of the extras . . .
Awesome pics! I’m jealous of your entertainment system as well! :thumb:
Yeah the siver looks awesome. The cool think about the case is that the red lights on top and bottom of the blue circle light on the front of the case are wired to the HD led, so when your HD is thinking the red lights go nuts. Its pretty slick. you dont have to crawl on the floor to look for the tiny LED to determine of it crashed or if its busy.
I didnt buy any extra fans. There were two standard rear case fans, there is one on the side of the case for exhaust, the power supply fan and the fan on the video card. That box is a little wind tunnel :beam:
I went for the pentium, the default setting was 2.6GHz, but it was $4 to bump it up to 2.8 so thats what I went with.
The wireless keyboard and mouse my wonderful job bought for me. I am spoiled rotten with toys because I ocasionally work from home. So I go buck wild with the procurement card every now and again :thumb:
Ahhh, working from home would be so sweet! Not possible with my job although they DO give me flash projects once in awhile. I’m always looking for more though and thankfully my boss thinks it’s cool enough that he show the few I’ve done here to other people, trying to drum up funding for something.
I shouldn’t complain though - they will be sending me to a 3-day intensive Cold Fusion training seminar in July that costs around $1100 . . . Not that I am all that interested in becoming a CF expert but hey, I’ll take the free training!
You are so lucky you get the cool toys! Thanks for the word on the fans - guess I’ll skip that option and sink the few dollars into something else. Yeah, it’s amazing how cheap it is to upgrade on that little puppy!
Sorry I’m a little late, but just got started using my dad’s digi cam and it’s awsome!
^^^My July 3rd Reboot also
No sweat man, I’m just glad you’re that happy with it. I love the scarface poster, perfect addition to any home.
Well, as soon as the UNFLUX Headquarters are complete I’ll add to this. Nice digs everyone, cool to see where people actually dwell. =)
Nice setup there, Fester Ok here’s my stuff:
61" Sony
14" sub, which doubles as a table
And of course the cd collection And yes, I have purple leather furniture, it matches the blue ceramic tile from pic2 quite nicely
Very Very nice Adam!!! But one thing, where are the games?!
Are those mini Stanley Cups there Adam?
I actually have 2 Supers…burned out the first one, so I now have number 2 and number 3…
Yes, Wizard, those are minis
Hey fester I ordered my system! Same tower as yours, slightly different configuration. Think I could get your employer to throw in a wireless keyboard and mouse?
Now I just gotta sit and wait to see which comes first - the machine :party: or the credit card bill :jail: . . . .
Good thing I’m going out of the country for a couple of weeks, otherwise I’d be sitting at the window with the doggies, waiting for the mailman to come by! :beam:
Cool, lunatic!!! Hey, if you need someone to come wait for the mailman for you while you’re away, er…just to make sure it gets there safely let me know…mapquest says you’re only 39 hours away