Kirupa Form not showing

Hi all,

i’m using the Kiupa PHP form tutorial. It works well on the demo but when i use it on my site it send the information but just will not go to the Thank you message on the next frame.

Here’s the code on the submit button:

on (release) {
	// send variables in form movieclip (the textfields)
	// to email PHP page which will send the mail
	form.loadVariables("email.php", "POST");

and on the FORM mc

	// show welcome screen

I think the problem lies in the fact i’m calling the form to the stage into an empty MC. i’ve tried replacing _root.nextFrame with this.nextFrame but it just doesn’t work.

FYI my empty MC that i’m calling my form movie into is located at _root.MCcenter.emptyMC.
