Kirupa Fourm Growing!

i have just noticed that there are alot of new people since yesterday at 4 when i left here. It is great that its working out well for kirupa.:slight_smile:

Yes, hello!
I am being new to these forims! I did joined yesterday at 04:19 P.M. times being!

and here comes my spam once again

4264 members :slight_smile:

not bad at all, and it just keeps growing and growing! cool :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah… That’s not too bad at all… But the worst part is… msot of the people just do a run by…

Run through Flash MX… psot there problems and VROOM VROOm off they go…

Inconsiderate people :stuck_out_tongue: But that’s what we are here for… To help :slight_smile:

even if they do a run through, you never know if they will be back again. but it is good that there are people to help them with the questions.

i personally cant answer questions in mx, because i am not that good yet. yet… lol;)

hey i thought one of you was going away because of school…i think it was ALEX



i have been, everyday i have been staying after for atleast an hour. then coming home and working on home work. and when im done i spen the rest of my free time here.

*Originally posted by lavaboy *
**and here comes my spam once again

COMPY 386 - Sbemails 43 - little questions - Homestar Runner **

did you play TROGDOR yet? lol I got up to level 35 before getting darted to death :wink:

it stems off of this previous email



trgodor was a man… I mean a dragon man… I mean… he was still TROGDOR!!!

burning all the people…


I swear, that has to be one of the funniest sites I have ever seen.
Been visiting it for a year now, and it just keeps on going strong.

Strong Bad is my hero! =)


Those comics are so awesome funny!!!

You guys are freaks… With no lives whatsoever!

(-: :wink:

Oh, shouldnt this smilie: :rock: be Mak?

haha, but my banada is red bro
don’t forget that ****
could offend some people
know what i mean?
