you know why…
While you’re at it, let’s moderate everyone who has less than 100 posts… that way we are sure to Disney up the forum…
im not sure that this is a good idea…
but some times people have bad days, and everything gets out of control. Just because some people fight, doesnt mean that it sould be rouined for the rest of us.
and ways, im sorry, its just my opionion.
that was my point Alex…
keep up
we posted at the same time i guess, either that or i was typing when you replied…lol
i didn’t mean the other thread thread,
i meant all of random, here’s where it always starts,
that’s why i NEVER check,
except when getting a “reported post”…
more and more of these,
more ‘n’ more fed up with it.
waste of time.
then don’t waste your time there, and ignore all notices sent to you about random.
Still no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater…
I say we GET PHIL BACK. Someone needs to go bust down his door and tie him to a chair in front of a computer that brainwashes him into the random forum mod again.
Of course Random will be kept. There are times when these problems do occur, and overall - such instances have been greatly reduced. There are still a few kinks left to work out, but Random is a great place that provides a bridge between Flashers and regular users who want to have a good time.
Imagine Random as a big hockey game. The game is fast-paced and intense. Then again, so are the fights that break out. In the end, hockey still survies as a game =) (ok, the analogy was bad hehe)
Kirupa :pirate:
smacks hockey with a trout:trout:
smacks flash with a trout:trout:
smacks random with a trout:trout: