
i will no longer be posting in random.

Yes, you read it correctly.

I realized that I was spending to much time here, and not enough time enjoying life, and summer. I will only stay around the help forums because I really have been spending more than 7 hours a day posting.

I have also come to realize that i am not contributing to much to everyone by posting in random like I have been in the past. I am going to be working in flash to get better, so i will be able to answer more flash related questions.

Also due to school, working, and my social life etc…

Thanks Everyone!!!

Sorry to see you leave… Have fun in the out doors. I make it a personal goal of mine to ride my bike between 6-8miles at least 4 times a week, so that I get off my lazy *** and get exercise.

Good luck with ur life man.

you don’t have to give up the random forum all together…what about if you limited yourself to 20-30 minutes a day on it? just a thought…


Good luck alex… it’s scary out there

*Originally posted by teet *
**you don’t have to give up the random forum all together…what about if you limited yourself to 20-30 minutes a day on it? just a thought…

-teet **

Is that possible?:stuck_out_tongue:


Glad you finally realized that Alex, now go outside and get into some trouble for once. Climb a few trees and break a few windows. :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah, i would like to slow down on random. i think outta my posts like 20 have been in teh flash sections. most are here or D&D buti need to start to help :-/

Good luck alex… it’s scary out there

Thanks josh, i’m still going to mod at your forums:thumb:

you don’t have to give up the random forum all together…what about if you limited yourself to 20-30 minutes a day on it? just a thought…

Its not that, i just feel that i have been posting to much worthless things, and i need to stop. I am still going to be coming to kirupa forums, but im going to stay out of random. I might stop by in random if i see something that interests me.

Glad you finally realized that Alex, now go outside and get into some trouble for once. Climb a few trees and break a few windows.

haha, i have a busy life now. I will be getting my car very soon. So that will mean i will need to get another job. So who are you going to pick on now? huh?:tb: =) :bandit:

*Originally posted by Alex *
** So who are you going to pick on now? huh? **

No worries Alex, there are plenty more annoying teeny boppers roaming around this forum. :stuck_out_tongue:

Have fun away from the computer alex…if that is even possible?? :slight_smile:

yea man enjoy it while your still young man, go harass some chicks, and knock over soem garbage pails lol

hahaha hes a randomholic but i suggest you take philbos or revs advice whoever this importer may be, advice and go to Kirupa Anonymous because once you type in ramdom will be calling out your name alex click me alex click me, remember how much fun you had spamming the boards? rotflmao good luck, well be here waiting for you :stuck_out_tongue:

snif it seems like only yesterday… I came around a random corner & I heard a faint little “w00t” off in the distance… and it was…Alex… sooo proud of his 1000th post snif

…our little spammer is all grown up !!! [see the tears…see them…]

;);):wink: jk- cheers Alex -

Yep - exactly what grimdeath said. The forums are kind of like the ring in the Lord of the Rings. It calls you - the temptation to put on the ring and post on the forums will be too great. See alex, you made a mistake by telling us that you will be leaving random. Now, Phil will have to dress up in his latest wizard costume, find a gray horse, and start chasing you around :slight_smile:

I hope you sleep well knowing that the forum guardians are after you! :skull:

that Phil just loves to dress up, now doesn’t he…




heck next thing you know you will be recieving emails and the sender will be Random and you will be like wtf i havent posted there and you will think your going nuts but its all Kirupa AI really :crazy:


Wow, that lil runt Alex is really gone… If only he was here, I was gonna tell him he almost became mod, but now he’s gone. I was gonna ask Kirupa if Alex could be nominated to be mod, but Alex is gone now.

Oh how I wish he was still here, if only he could read this…

Ohhhhh how I wish he was still here, if only he was ghosting and maybe could still read this…

For some wierd reason, he’s gone, but I can still sense that he’s here reading this…

Right Alex? PUhahahahahhaha :evil:

if only kirupa would make a email account called random an email him everytime this post would get a new reply rotflmao :evil:

grimdeath, there’s no need for that. I’m sure Alex knows very well when people reply to this thread. Right Alex? Muahahaha :beam: