Kirupa shirts

with the artists around here we could make awesome tshirts!
thongs or whatever :stuck_out_tongue:

hereā€™s a shirt designā€¦

it sucks right now. I like simple shirts. This site is coolā€¦ Iā€™ve ordered shirts from them, and I was pleased.

hmmā€¦ Iā€™d like to add some quotes or something, plus an image.
Definitely rather do something with the pixel font used on this site.

You guys should make somethingā€¦ :slight_smile:

it would be cool if k-man set up a shop section where we could buy merch. :stuck_out_tongue:

hmmā€¦ kirupa coffee mugs, shirts, mouse pads, etc.
I wonder how many regular users this site has, and what the population growth isā€¦

Iā€™ve got a really awesome ideaā€¦ Make some lineart and put it as us on a group on the back of the t-shirtā€¦ ???

I lvoe the kirupa spam dieaā€¦ Hell Iā€™d buy all the different t-shirts that were made :smiley:

But I have one requestā€¦ Golf shirtsā€¦ Nice collar and everythingā€¦ If we can find a place (havenā€™t looked at these links yet) That would produce like 20 or 30 of those type of shirtsā€¦ Iā€™d buy 2 or 3 of themā€¦Just a little sign of on it :slight_smile:

Umm other ideasā€¦ The whole Kirupa Park? Cept someone make a background to it and do it that way? :slight_smile: We canā€™t gte in trouble because we didnā€™t say ā€œSouth Parkā€ and technically None of the characters look exactly like the original South park characters.

Lavaā€¦ Love the design actuallyā€¦ Nice and simpleā€¦ :wink:

By the wayā€¦ guig0ā€¦ Think we can get kit to model those thongs? Or should we get mak too?! lol :stuck_out_tongue:

:trout: :*(

I would definatly purchase a golf shirt. I do a lot of golfing in the summer time and that would be amazing! But it cannot have a giant can of SPAM on the backā€¦ It would have to be a nice design :slight_smile: I can come up with somethingā€¦ but we would all have to agree.

This is such a great idea! :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by playamarz *
**Lavaā€¦ Love the design actuallyā€¦ Nice and simpleā€¦ :wink:

By the wayā€¦ guig0ā€¦ Think we can get kit to model those thongs? Or should we get mak too?! lol :stuck_out_tongue:

:trout: :*( **

manā€¦ donĀ“t get me startedā€¦ :!:

LOL:P :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeahā€¦ I wear the Golf Shirts all the time to go golfing or bowlingā€¦ So Iā€™d probably buy 2 or 3 of themā€¦ A simple with a small image sayā€¦ lineart of kirupa of somethingā€¦

Something likeā€¦

ā€œThe wrath of the unibrowā€¦ā€

hehā€¦ Stuffed Animals? Did you see thatā€¦ COOL! hehe

OOoooā€¦ OOO! I vote leopard print if we can guig0

lmao Iā€™m gonna gte us int rouble :trout::trout::trout:

golf shirts are coolā€¦ playa, as I said before, can handle any number of orders.

hmmā€¦ Iā€™d like both a shirt that displays the kirupa brand (like something you would find at a tradeshow) and a spoof shirtā€¦ howeverā€¦ I dont think the spoof shirt would sell as much as the first one. Personally, I dont get some of the jokes in this site.

but for all you good designers out there! Please show us some designsā€¦ Is there a way a Mod can set up an ā€˜officialā€™ contest?

Yeha Iā€™m sure there is a wayā€¦ That would be a very cool ideaā€¦

Please no pink shirts thoughā€¦It doesnā€™t go well with my purple pants :wink:


Umm yehaā€¦ Iw as chekcing them out lavaā€¦ I love the third polo shirt ideaā€¦ The pointed collar tipped shirtsā€¦ They actually look like they are well made and they have some spifferfic colors.

:slight_smile: We should have a four shirt contest lineā€¦

T-Shirt (Nice)(long or short sleeve)
T-Shirt (Spoof)(long or short sleeve)
Golf Shirt (Nice Design)
Hoodie?(I didnā€™t look yet but I love hooded sweatshirtsā€¦ And Like I saidā€¦ Iā€™d BUY it lmao.)

heheā€¦ I havent been able to find Kitā€™s picā€¦ I gave upā€¦

lmaoā€¦ Yeha Itā€™s quite impossible Iā€™m telling you :slight_smile:

I tried to as wellā€¦ Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s her real pic in the about the mods section or notā€¦ I believe it isā€¦ If it isā€¦ You wills ee why me and guig0 want a model lmao

ā– ā– ā– ā– , she looks goodā€¦ haha.
ok, back to shirtsā€¦ umā€¦ forgot what I was saying.

Iā€™m going to bump this back up hereā€¦ Donā€™t wnat this one to get missed :wink:

YEAH!! I was going to bump this thread tooā€¦ lol.
Any new designs yet?

No actuallyā€¦ Havenā€™t come up with any good ideasā€¦ All beitā€¦ A cool hoodie with on each sleeve in silverā€¦ Have the hoodie be blackā€¦ And then the back have some cool assed lineart figure.

Cool? hehe

screw it, Iā€™ll just make like 20 designs when I get homeā€¦

My friend has a good place to get t-shirts and sweatshirts made. Their prices are low and the person ordering owns all the sirts so they keep all the profitā€¦

Any hoodies or golf shirts there Jubba?