Kirupa Shyamalan? M Night Chinnathambi?

what do mean second home…

Phil sleeps all curled up at the foot of Kirupa’s bed every night…



Um dude, I am not going near those things.

You are on your own there :ninja:

[SIZE=1]h[/SIZE][SIZE=2]e[/SIZE][SIZE=3]e[/SIZE][SIZE=4]h[/SIZE][SIZE=5]e[/SIZE][SIZE=6]e[/SIZE][SIZE=7],[/SIZE][SIZE=7] [/SIZE][SIZE=6]i[/SIZE][SIZE=6] [/SIZE][SIZE=5]l[/SIZE][SIZE=4]o[/SIZE][SIZE=3]v[/SIZE][SIZE=2]e[/SIZE][SIZE=2] [/SIZE][SIZE=1]t[/SIZE][SIZE=2]h[/SIZE][SIZE=3]i[/SIZE][SIZE=4]s[/SIZE][SIZE=5],[/SIZE][SIZE=5] [/SIZE][SIZE=6]i[/SIZE][SIZE=7]’[/SIZE][SIZE=6]m[/SIZE][SIZE=6] [/SIZE][SIZE=5]t[/SIZE][SIZE=4]y[/SIZE][SIZE=3]p[/SIZE][SIZE=2]i[/SIZE][SIZE=1]n[/SIZE][SIZE=2]g[/SIZE][SIZE=2] [/SIZE][SIZE=3]t[/SIZE][SIZE=4]h[/SIZE][SIZE=5]i[/SIZE][SIZE=6]s[/SIZE][SIZE=6] [/SIZE][SIZE=7]i[/SIZE][SIZE=6]n[/SIZE][SIZE=6] [/SIZE][SIZE=5]a[/SIZE][SIZE=4]n[/SIZE][SIZE=4] [/SIZE][SIZE=3]a[/SIZE][SIZE=2]c[/SIZE][SIZE=1]t[/SIZE][SIZE=2]i[/SIZE][SIZE=3]o[/SIZE][SIZE=4]n[/SIZE][SIZE=5]s[/SIZE][SIZE=6]c[/SIZE][SIZE=7]r[/SIZE][SIZE=6]i[/SIZE][SIZE=5]p[/SIZE][SIZE=4]t[/SIZE][SIZE=4] [/SIZE][SIZE=3]w[/SIZE][SIZE=2]i[/SIZE][SIZE=1]n[/SIZE][SIZE=2]d[/SIZE][SIZE=3]o[/SIZE][SIZE=4]w[/SIZE]

I knew a boy in 6th grade who drew pictures of butterflies mauling people in our class all day…

yeah, phil, i knew they’d affect somebody, so i’ll stop. i’ll use this weapon against other forums (heehee).

Hey Phil, just be happy Thor is posting, we don’t see him posting often so get use to the wavy text. :beam:

well, as you’ve seen lately i’ve been posting more (i’m almost at 1.00 posts a day!!) and i threw together that actionscript for the wavy effect just for fun. since it does give slight headaches, i won’t use it as much.

hey thor…ur a joker!! ur fitting in perfect in Random…how did we live without you? … :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: they should lock the whole bunch of you up in crazy hospitals =)

yeah Thor, I thought you were another serious coder so it’s nice to know that you have a sense of humor. I run into enough ashle coders over at Flashkit, don’t need any here. :beam:

yep, i’m not an a$$hole, just a coder :crazy:

I’m neither :slight_smile:

i might be the opposite…i’m not a coder but people sure as hell say i’m an @$$Hole…go figure

I’m the opposite of Mak, I’m not a coder, but people think that I am one…wierd…:-\

lol LIES EG LIES!! i’ve seeen your work you sotw WINNER!!! LOL :chinaman: :rambo: :sigh:

Ok darn, you’re too smart Mak, I can’t fool you…I must confess, I’m the master of the stop(); action. I got that action down!! :!:

I disagree, you’re just a dork Phil. :wink:

I am just your average everyday idiot :*(

Not an @$$hole unless you provoke me to be.

whoa…i press refresh, check my other work and 30 sec later there are like 4 new posts…you speed demons you :wink: nobody answered all my questions…and where did rev run off 2

perhaps sleep like i’m supposed to…