Just look at it…
j/k guys
that’s so funny
hehe, why am I not a bit surprised?
Kirupa :goatee:
I get bored easily…
then I tend to wreck something digitally…
then I tend to wreck something digitally…
I was there, i see that too!
Phil is a phreaking stalker!
[SIZE=1]good one dude :)[/SIZE]
hahaha - very nice
*Originally posted by kirupa *
**hehe, why am I not a bit surprised?
Kirupa :goatee: **
because he is stalking you too :run: :ub: :bounce:
…runs and hides :run:
I cant’ beleve this. Phil said he was stalking me. How could he cheat on me like this. Whats this world coming to:bounce:
Kirupa, this is my tree! Go find your own tree…
lol thats great!
phil is stalking every one but me
[SIZE=1]i think :P[/SIZE]
Hey I am the psychotic murderer here.
Lets just leave the stalking to me.
now we have two of them
Two of them?!
In case you didnt know…
Here you go…
<b>Here is my body count…</b>
<i>in order of movie deaths</i>
<b>Part 2 - Jasons mom did all the killing in part 1</b>
Alice : Stabbed in the temple with an icepick.
Crazy Ralph : Garotted with barbed wire.
Policeman : Hammerclaw in the head.
Scott : Throat slashed while hanging in a snare.
Terry : Knifed.
Mark : Machete to the face.
7 & 8. Jeff and Sandra : Double impaling with a spear.
Vickie : Knifed.
Paul : Disappears, presumed dead.
<b>Friday the 13th, Part 3</b>
Harold : Cleaver to the chest.
Edna : Knitting needles in the back of the head.
Fox : Pitchforked through the neck onto a rafter. (off-screen)
Loco : Pitchforked in the stomach.
Ali : Macheted to death.
Shelly : Throat slashed. (off-screen)
Vera : Speargun to the eye.
Andy : Macheted in half.
Debbie : Knifed from underneath her hammock.
Chuck : Electrocuted on a fuse box.
Chili : Stabbed with a fire poker.
Rick : Head squeezed till his eye pops out.
<b>Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter</b>
Axel : Surgical hacksaw to the throat, neck broken.
Nurse Morgan : Gutted by a scalpel.
Hitchiker : Knifed through the neck.
Samatha : Knifed through the neck.
Paul : Speared in the groin.
Terri : Speared in the back.
Mrs. Jarvis : Killed, causes unknown.
Jimbo : Corkscrew through the hand, cleaver in the face.
Tina : Thrown through a window, lands on a parked car.
Ted : Knifed in the head through a movie screen.
Doug : Head crushed in Jason’s bare hands.
Sarah : Axed in the chest.
Rob : Garden harrow in the throat.
<b>Friday the 13th, Part VI: Jason Lives</b>
Allen Hawes : Heart ripped out.
Darren : Impaled on a spear.
Lizabeth : Speared through the mouth.
Burt : Arm ripped off, impaled on a tree branch.
40, 41, & 42. Stan, Katie and Larry : Triple decapitation with a machete.
44 & 45. Steven and Annette : Double impalement with a machete on their motorcycle.
Nikki : Face crushed against RV wall.
Cort : Hunting knife in the head.
Roy : Pieces of him are found strewn in woods.
Sissy : Head ripped off.
Paula : Hacked up with a machete.
Officer Thornton : Dart in the forehead.
Officer Pappas : Head crushed in Jason’s bare hands.
Sheriff Garris : Broken in half.
<b>Friday the 13th, Part VII: The New Blood</b>
Jane : Tent spike in the neck, impaled to a tree.
Michael : Tent spike thrown into his back.
Dan : Jason’s hand through his body, neck broken.
Judy : Bashed against a tree in her sleeping bag.
Russell : Axed in the face.
Sandra : Pulled underwater and drowned.
Maddy : Scythe in the neck.
Ben : Head crushed in Jason’s bare hands.
Kate : Party horn in the eye.
David : Butcher knife in the stomach.
Eddie : Beheaded with a machete.
Robin : Thrown through a window.
Mrs. Shephard : Speared from behind.
Dr. Crews : Tree-trimming saw in the stomach.
Melissa : Axed in the face.
<b>Friday the 13th, Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan</b>
Jim : Impaled with a spear gun.
Suzy : Stabbed with a spear.
J.J. : Bashed in the head with her electric guitar.
Boxer : Hot sauna rock in the chest.
Tamara : Stabbed with a mirror shard.
Jim Carlson : Harpooned in back.
Admiral Robertson : Throat slit with a machete.
Eva : Strangled.
Wayne : Electrocuted on a control panel.
Miles : Impaled on a deck post.
Deck Hand : Axed in the back.
Gang Banger #1 : Stabbed through the back with his own syringe.
Gang Banger #2 : Bashed and scalded on a steam pipe.
Julius : Jason knocks his block off.
Cop : Dragged into an alley, killed.
Colleen Van Deusen : Immolated in an exploding car.
Charles McCullough : Drowned in a barrel of sewage.
Sanitation Worker : Bashed in the head with a wrench.
<b>Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday</b>
Coroner : Eats Jason’s heart, dies and becomes possessed.
Coroner’s Assistant : Autopsy probe in the back of the neck, face pushed through a metal grating.
FBI Agent #1 : Pencil through his spinal cord. (off-screen)
FBI Agent #2 : Coroner’s fingers through his skull. (off-screen)
Alexis : Slashed up with a straight razor.
Deborah : Stabbed through the back with a barbed wire spike, ripped in half.
Lou : Head crushed. (off-screen)
Edna : Head slammed in car door.
Josh : Possessed by Jason, shot in head and impaled with poker, later melts away.
Diana : Knife-sharpening pole in back.
Robert Campbell : Possessed by Jason, later run over with car, shot in head, impaled on a barbecue skewer.
Officer Ryan : Head bashed against a locker.
99 & 100. Officer Mark and Officer Brian : Heads bashed together.
Ward : Arm broken, falls dead through the diner doors.
Shelby : Burned to death on a deep-fat fryer and grill.
Joey B. : Face bashed in.
Vicki : Impaled on a barbecue skewer.
Randy : Possessed by Jason, later his neck is severed with a machete.
Creighton Duke : Crushed to death by Jason.
<b>Jason X</b>
Private Johnson : Head crushed. (off-screen)
Guard #1 : Bashed with a pipe.
Guard #2 : (uncredited) Accidentally shot by Guard #3.
Guard #3 : Forced to shoot Guard #2 by Jason, strangled.
Guard #4 : (uncredited) Accidentally shot by Guard #5.
Guard #5 : Forced to shoot Guard #4 by Jason, strangled.
Dr. Wimmer : Pole through back.
Sgt. Marcus : Dies from multiple injuries.
Adrienne : Head cryogenically frozen, smashed into pieces on countertop.
Stoney : Stabbed in stomach with surgical machete, dragged off-screen and strangled.
Azrael : Back broken.
Dallas : Head bashed against a wall.
Sven : Neck broken.
Condor : Impaled on spiral antenna.
Geko : Throat slit.
Kicker : Cut in half at the waist.
Briggs : Impaled on anchor. (off-screen)
Lou : Dismembered with surgical machete.
Professor Lowe : Beheaded. (off-screen)
Crutch : Face crushed on electrical panel, electrocuted.
Kinsa : Immolated in exploding ship.
Waylander : Immolated in explosion of ship’s bridge.
Janessa : Body sucked through metal grating.
Camper #1 : Jason bashed her with the “help” of Camper #2, while in her sleeping bag.
Camper #2 : Bashed against Camper #1 and a tree, while in her sleeping bag.
Sgt. Brodski : Immolated in atmosphere while crashing to Earth 2 with Jason.
you need help!
run away in fear :run:
ha ha
dont we all
no argue with that…
…but some more than others
still running away in fear :run:
what movie is that all from? i take it that it is in the bold letters? i am with guigo…only faster :bounce:
The Friday the Thirteenth Series…
:: Copyright KIRUPA 2024 //--