Kirupa Styles

thanks dudes :beam:

im making a sausage style… hehe jk

another one, hope U’ll enjoy it :smirk:

I think mine were about 18kb collectivley, so 20kb might be right. I just made them and pm’d Kirupa the url.

Thanks rg and fluid; I’ll have them added today :slight_smile:

what about blueMod update?

ai - I don’t seem to have it anywhere in my PM or e-mail. Would you mind sending it again?

Kirupa :pirate:


updated fluid :slight_smile: Thanks!

np :wink:
i think you should add mine search “option” to your styles :beam:

your search option?:q:

“hold shift to open in a new window”

ah ok! I simply press enter. I didn’t hover over your button to see the text that you wrote :wink:

Kirupa :thumb:

shift+enter works as well :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi Guys,

Well i have been talking to kirupa on pm’s about this style i made, i hope there are not many mistakes in it and hope u guys like it, if add, i would like it to be called Sparklez by Jasninder, if not then i will probably try something else. Please comment , thanks


I have a suggestion

Maybe we can do a thumbnail of each style, so you dont have to apply and reapply to find the one i like.

that is a great suggestion, even i was getting annoyed with testing all the styles, the one i made wont work with the thumnail as it has sparkle effect so one would’nt know about it just by looking at the thumbnail, for others i think yes, nice one.

Good idea soulty! I’ll consider doing one shortly :ub:

kool, so what do u think of the skin i made? can u add it?

Looks pretty cool! The only problem is with the footer. A few of the links have a dark blue background to them, and the MT logo looks strange with the white background. Feel free to use another font for making the MT logo in text.

I’ll add it up soon after those changes are made :slight_smile:

sure i had these things in my mind, i was confused about the logo thingy too but now u v’e cleared it, i will make certain changes and again reload.


change the color of links on footer.

make changes in the logo.

make it all readable.

Is that all? please confirm and i will start.