Kirupa Xbox Live Tournament?

We’ve got loads of gamers on the forums. Anyone up for a big tournament on Live? A properly organised tournament, not just some of you playing Halo 2. :alien:

Basically you have like five different events (different games) consisting of multiple rounds (different match types, let’s say 3) with a winner and runner up in each event (game) getting some sort of prize, as yet to be decided upon.

Possible Games:[LIST]
[]Call Of Duty 3
]Halo 2
[]Rainbow Six: Vegas
]Need For Speed: Carbon
[]Gears Of War
]Lost Planet
[]Project Gotham Racing 3
]Burnout Revenge[/LIST]Any other suggestions for games are welcome.

Would anyone be up for this. It would be good if we could get at least 12 people for each event.

**Some Preliminary Rules
[]You must be an existing member of KirupaForum to participate.
]You must have an Xbox Live Gold subscription (or free trial) and a valid Gamertag.
[]Each competitor may enter no more than 2 events so choose carefully.
]Competitors must sign up for their chosen events 24 hours before the start time of the event.[/LIST]It would be awesome to play everyone from the forums and get my *** handed to me by a whole new crowd of people. :d:

So are you ready to kick some Kirupian ***?