|| Kirupa ||

Yea, my host sucks, I have every feature a man would ever need, even my own mail server! But it’s down persistantly, my online partner is going to find someone else to host us soon, right now my site will be up 85% of the time!

I’m still giving him a chance for a major apology, he has like 24 hours, and then his IP will be banned!

I didn’t learn about it in school.

But we didn’t even learn about slavery much either. They just kind of skipped over that.

They don’t say anything about white slaver, we were supposably always ‘superior’ or some stupid ****!

I want to know that my ancestors are slaves…jadedchron, where is my reperations?

It also pisses me off that school STILL (even in High School) teaches you that Christopher Columbus discovered America.

But he discovered the West Indies, the Vikings discovered america dammit!

True… which begs to argue… why do they teach that one person found America at all :-\

Ass can’t be censored because it sensors it if you use the word assume, assumption, associate, etc… :-\

You can always change the spelling of damm (see :))

Nope… :slight_smile: I still hear ya, and I do kind of agree with that one. There are some words that do deserved to be sensored, but not so sure about damm :-\

And while your at it… the 0) (supposed to be 0 ) without the space) thing is messin with a lot of posted AS, even if it is in the code tags, you need to disable smileys for it to show :-\

No, of course not, I mean words like…

****, and *****, and **** … Yah know, things like that.

Yes we should know, because knowledge is good. No knowledge is bad.

Is that intelligent enough???

I think it got my point across :-\

LOL, I actually think people should still learn it.

I think you should know the history of the country you live it (or were born in, whichever). Even if it doesn’t affect you, the events of the past affected other events in the past, which in turn, affected the world we know now. So it is good to know the history of how things came to be the way they are.

History writes itself :stuck_out_tongue:

Eh, oh well. I give up, I was never too good at trivia anyhow :slight_smile:

The percieved history writes itself, OUR history is written by morons who want’s to make a difference…

…There I said it… I’m in a crappy mood… :pirate:

I wouldn’t be surprised, if 50%+ of our written history is nothin’ but bull****!

What is wrong eilsoe?

I’m sick as hell…! Think I caught the mother of all colds…!

And I can’t afford to miss school!! :frowning:

It’s a productionschool, and we get payed to work there… And I can’t miss any 'cuz I’m saving up for that engagement ring for my girlfriend…

16 carat pure gold… PLUS christmas gifts… sigh

Oh, I hear ya on that one (sorta). I know what its like to try and raise money for christmas and stuff.

Hrmm, something is going around here too, a lot of people have been getting sick, and I have been dizzy, and I have shivers, but I sweat… odd.

Awr, gotta hurry now… otherwise I’ll be late…

Gotta rush outside to my OLD and RUSTY POS bike, and switch on the turbo… :-\

w00t! Gotta pack my playstation2 too…

C’ya all later, k?

I went to school with someone who had perfect attendance and was never sick from 1st grade-12th grade… I knew him all those grades, so I know it is true.

Wow 14 years Phil… that is nuts too!