I checked the members list and it rules. I was the 45th person to register and I am in the top 40 postets… at 38:smirk:.
I have the 5th place!
on the top 10 posters that is…
so when i say ■■■■ it automaticly sensours?
but i dont swear anyways, just testing it
Hey dan are you on free hosting or do you pay. I know a place that you can get hosting for $10 CND. thats like $6 a mouth USD. You get a mail server and everything. If this is what u are looking for u should check into it.
Kirupa must have removed that werd from the list…
Thanks kirupa, I love that ■■■■ word! I’m so glad I can say it again, before I couldn’t tell if they were saying ■■■■ or ****!
All right damn is back. I promise i wont over use it. Thaks big K:)
Yeah, please don’t overuse it =) I would like to have this place as clean as possible hehe.
Kirupa :rambo:
10 4 big K. I love trucker talk.
“cherck…this is Broken Chair Leg to Stuffed Peppers, we gotta code 5102245200145.”
and i love talking in code. this means:
Mike to kirupa, we wont overuse it!
My cousin was a female trucker, she got out of it because all the guys… well… I think you can figure it out. She loved the job, most of the time
My father drove long-haul for most of my adolescent years… :evil:
Different society…
Not sure what long haul is, but if it is driving all around the country, then that is what my cousin did
long haul = gone for days at a time…
same thing…
Oh ok… yeah, that is the same thing. My cousin would be gone for I think a week or 2 at a time sometimes.
*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**Oh ok… yeah, that is the same thing. My cousin would be gone for I think a week or 2 at a time sometimes. **
someone would make me a favor if he/she summarizes whats going on???
what do you mean?
Same here… I hated it when he came home… had to work on the truck all weekend, no matter what was planned… :evil:
then we would have to wash the truck, lube the truck… :evil:
I hated that truck…
I’m much better now…