Well since I haven’t seen any “official” thread about the new layout I just wanted to say that its much more clearer like that - and thnx especially for the computer&games section — good to see that kirupaforum is in dynamic shape :bounce:
Glad you like it :beam:
its looking good kirupa!
Glad to see you implemented my suggestion also!
Yeah that was a pretty cool idea Alex. I had the previous Grid Contest as a private, invisible forum, but your idea freed that forum from the tyranny that is known “the Council”
schh Kirupa
oh right right…(remember, 5 PM - by the broken down street light). You will know me when you see me. Don’t use a plastic bag. Deer choke on them, and that would be bad…we aren’t totally evil after all… :alien2:
See, when the Overlord’s programmed me, they included built-in error and spam control functions that prevent me from going overboard.
Back on Topic - my bad
If there any other forum/layout suggestions, feel free to post them here.
hey kirupa, I was thinking. It might be cool to have a "who is viewing a thread directly at the top of each thread. Just to show who is viewing it. I know, it sounds redundant, but it seemed like a good idea at the time
I was wondering if they have to type that in every time. To make it easier for those who want “sub Footers” to make a function that would allow them to automatically change it from the Control Panel. Like i said before, it sounded like a good idea at the time.
you could enable it so it will only allow a certian amount of characters also.:trout:
Hmm - I will look into that alex. There is a way to have the number of people viewing a forum displayable on the main page itself. I can enable that if you want me to.
its no big deal, im just throwing out ideas to try and help out a little
i have another idea.
To save on some confusion for the newer members, i think it would be a good idea to have a forum with rules and guide lines. Under this forum could be rules for the footer size, Conduct and behavior, etc…
I dunno…
I have a feeling Battle might become more non existant now where it is…
Ohh… And another thought Kirupa…
I don’t particularly like the new Computers and Games topic… I have a feeling it’ll get overrun with things that just seem almost appropruiate for a board over at www.gamespot.com or www.gamespy.com or something like that…
But maybe it’s just me
i was thinking, if kirupa likes this idea it might work out well. I have noticed some times that people run into problems with their computer.( Themes, settings, etc) And they post in the Random forum. I think that it would be a good idea to create a Computer Help forum.
But, it would rarely have any traffic which is the down side. I will keep brainstorming.
A Computer Help forum sounds nice to me
*Originally posted by Alex *
i was thinking, if kirupa likes this idea it might work out well. I have noticed some times that people run into problems with their computer.( Themes, settings, etc) And they post in the Random forum. I think that it would be a good idea to create a Computer Help forum.
But, it would rarely have any traffic which is the down side. I will keep brainstorming. **
I’m sure this was more of an entire council decision and not just Kirupa’s my friend…
But really… A computer help section is great… But it almost belongs in Random. Because we don’t get “that” many questions about it. I’d say we gte more questions about Flash Game Creation than we do computer technician questions…
And Video Games… I think I’ve stated my opinion on that… I love Video Games… But I take my discussions about them to a forum devoted to video games
Nah, I like the Computer games forum - it’s my new home… away from the rest of you weirdos