Kirupa's First 1k Posts!

Just wanted to let you all know that the K man hit the 1K mark, he should be appointed to moderator any time now…lol small joke! :stuck_out_tongue:

I have a little over 200 to go, but I don’t want to rush it. I like being a premature moderator! :rambo:

Congradulations K-man!

Wohoo!!! Thanks dan for publicizing…(do I pay you via paypal or via my secret informant?) =) [COLOR=royal blue]I would probably fall under the spamming category because, I just noticed, most of my posts rarely exceed two lines, and they never contain any valuable information lol.[/COLOR]

Kirupa :evil:

Kirupa, who has made 95% of the tutorials on your site, pays for hosting, domain names, and the forum. You have given us more than we will ever be able to give you. You are busy enough, we are your white collar workers (The Moderators that is), or shall we say, young padawan learners!

Thats also a way of putting it :smirk:

Congrats Kirupa!

Dan is right, you provide us with more than we could return, and I thank you for that :slight_smile:

You can spam all you want (besides, it is your board anyway).

Hehe, well none of this would be possible without the feedback and help that all of you provide =)

Kirupa :goatee:

feedback: I always wanted to see the light blue boxes (right down below, where it says “GMT yaddah yaddah”, to be like the winXP silver theme menu-bar thang :stuck_out_tongue:

Just a thought… =)

feedback: Eilsoe is a nut :beam:

J/K, that is an interesting idea :slight_smile:

feedback: Lost wears a bra :beam:

Feedback: Eilsoe stole my bra for his personal use! :beam:

Feedback: Feedback feature went offtrack (well ~duuh)…

Dammit what size IS this bra?

So anywho… back on track here.

Silverish color Eilsoe? Or still bluish?

I personally think that Kirupa is a myth propagated by moderators to shed any kind of “blame” onto a mythical figure, kindof like Jack-in-the-box.

I want to see Kirupa, lost,Dan, and Phil in a room together at the same time…



Hmmm, we could all join an AIM chat… that would be fun :beam:

Nope, that doesn’t prove Kirupa exists…

Not until I can verify that he is actually a person, and not someone Phil invented…



Um, you can see his picture in numerous places :beam:

feedback: Eilsoe is a nut
feedback: Lost wears a bra
Feedback: Eilsoe stole my bra for his personal use!

Feedback: Feedback feature went offtrack (well ~duuh)…

Dammit what size IS this bra?

stop it!!!
you’re killing be!!! LMAO!

congratulations kirupa!
This place have given me great help!

Phil could have grabbed those from anywhere… :-\

there are pictures of Santa all over the place as well…



Maybe us moderators are artificial intelligent bots created by kirupa to be his forum servants. Oh wait, did my on board brain just slip secret information!