Labtops! (second thread today!)

Hey guys, sorry for the second thread today, but I need some info.

For my entire life I’ve used desktops. I’ve never had a real use for laptops considering I have an ipod, and a PSP (games, music and video right there). When I would travel for school functions those two things are what I would bring with me.

But now I enter into the college world and I’m getting a laptop this friday. I’m not looking for much, just one that will do my 3 main focuses (School work, photoshop and WoW :thumb:). I’ve been searching around various sites and one thing I’ve noticed is that from the $400 notebooks to the $2000 notebooks, they’ll all had roughly around 1.6-1.7GHz processors… Is that good? I know for a desktop thats slightly outdated. I know that with Mac’s 2.0GHz isn’t equivilant to 2.0GHz on a PC. So is 1.6GHz in a notebook equivilant to 1.6Ghz on a PC? The price difference is mainly focused more in the RAM and Hard drive space than in processor power.

Sorry if this confused anyone, but any answers would greatly be appreciated!

Edit: Fixed spelling :lol: