Lack of Interest in Battle forum

I just want to rant a bit.

Whats up with the lack of interest in the battle forum?

When it was first thrown up there it was always stacked with great artwork and good battles.

Now people propose a battle like everyone wants to get in on it and then nobody ever makes anything.

Like the halloween battle thats going on. We are half way through halloween and I am the only person that made anything.

hmmmph. :puzzle:

Its such a cool area to have. It blows there isnt more participation.


I agree with you fester. That’s one of the reason this section on the site was created: It now features the better battles from there. If you find any cool battles that you would want publicized there, feel free to :smiley:

Yeah well im up for the CD battle, trouble is sometimes the mods just ‘forget’ to make battles official…

And we need a good ‘ole brainstormin’ to create a great battle with the 8000 users on… but has to be a wicked theme though…

The most fun i had in a battle was when it was spontaneous, and done within a few days… I think there is a big problem with people who commit to something, and then back out of it… ive been guilty of that a few times myself…

I really think that the battles need to be over the course of three days… One for the concept, the second for creation, and uploading, and then the third for judging and critiquing. Setting a deadline that is three or four weeks away just promotes procrastination, IMO…

I’m still waiting for a mod to create an Underwear Battle Poll! :-\

Have you PM’ed any mods? If you still don’t get any responses by tomorrow, drop me a PM and I’ll create the thread :slight_smile:

Views - 75

Replies - 06

I’d say there’s lack of interest in people to even post here.

Good Point fester8542, I totally agree, i think there’s lack of good topics in battle arena, no offence to anyone but underwear battle ? i dont find it interesting , must add that i missed few good ones… battles are either not interesting or they are too tough, all A.S based.I have been feeling the same way for last month or so…

You are free to propose your own idea for a battle jas…err fj :slight_smile: That way you won’t have to miss out on the battle fun.