That used to be like my favorite part of the Kirupa forums and now almost nobody posts there it’s almost dead? What happened, we need to get some new matches going quick!
kill it!!!
I tried to challenge Darkmotion to a sketchoff. I think he won already. :\
I’d do things for it, but people are too busy with life to join in some fun- or I’m too busy with things or people
I believe battles must be mod-approved prior to getting posted. I think that turned a lot of people off.
Not speaking for myself or anything like that.
Yea, that approval thing was a huge buzzkill
It’s not like it’s hard to get a mod to approve a battle. I think a lot of us are just busy with life outside of the intarwebz. If you’re REALLY itching for a contest or battle, there’s ALWAYS one going on at, check it out. They have beginner, intermediate and advanced contests. But yeah, I’d love to see the battle forum get jumping again. The last one I participated in was the credit card battle, and I think it’s still technically open as it was never judged.
hahaah, its not hard, but it disrupts the flow, yo!
Right, the battles do have to be approved. But the reasons that the battle section has gone down in activity are, [list=1][]ppl are to busy[]some people were opening battles for personal reasons while trying to disguise them as “friendly” battles[*]they get to stupid and no one takes them seriously anymore[/list]
…should have a vote to un-mod-ify it.
Not gonna happen. It gets a ton of spam from 'bots because it’s the first forum that appears (alphabetically) on the kirupa forum site. You would not believe the crap we have to deal with in that forum, and I don’t mean just from you guys.
Maybe we should rip of photochopz and just have a “Add to the pic” forum? That was fun, and we are pretty good at it.
Actually one of the best threads I’ve ever seen on this forum had to do with modding pics of Kirupa. It was hilarious.
HAhahahahahah I remember that one, it was great
I guess a lot of creative people went elsewhere too…
I finish school tomorrow (well, I’m helping people who finish school tomorrow) and I have a cooling period for a few weeks, and a little Photoshop/3D challenge would be more than welcomed, I’ll find a way to bring attention to this future battle =)
[QUOTE=lunatic;2347743]Actually one of the best threads I’ve ever seen on this forum had to do with modding pics of Kirupa. It was hilarious. :P[/QUOTE]
That was awesome, it got with the great hack of 06’ right?
Yeah I think so. At least, I can’t find it. Salvador Marley started it. Maybe we need to start a new one?! :hr:
Post a few high res hizzyies for kirupa fodder.
I would totally jump on that train.
:lol: I’d be frightened of your contributions Fes, but I’ll leave it up to Kman to submit his mug to the masses. :kommie:
cracks knuckles
Anyone remember that one pic of Kirupa at the Godzilla beach? The Kman is buff.