Colin Png, director for Developer and Platform Evangelism, Microsoft Asia Pacific, highlighted the “SuperFetch” technology which searches and retrieves files quickly based on relationship schemas such as author and not physical locations.
In addition, he showed how Web services or XML-based application icons, like a clock, search bar, and purchase tracker, can be dragged and dropped as easily-accessible “tiles” on the software interface.
Date: July 12
Just a mere two weeks ago at the WWDC, Apple announced Spotlight which is described on Apple’s site as:
Tiger’s new system-wide Spotlight search helps you find anything on your Mac, instantly. Spotlight can find email messages, calendars and contacts along with documents, movies, images — any kind of file — all at once. Spotlight results are displayed in easy-to-understand categories that help you browse, pick and click. Finding the stuff you need on your personal computer is now as fast and effortless as searching for songs in iTunes. Tiger also introduces enhanced searching in the Finder to help you locate files and documents more quickly and easily. New Smart Folders in the Finder, Smart Mailboxes in Mail, and Smart Groups for contacts let you categorize and organize all of your important information into logical groups automatically.
and they also announced RSS support in Safari.
When Safari RSS encounters a RSS feed, you can view a page with every headline and article summary right in the browser window. To read the complete article, click on the headline or summary to retrieve the complete Web page. RSS feeds naturally fit into a web browser, making Safari the ideal way to browse the entire web without a second application. Safari RSS has a slider control for customizing the displayed length of each article summary and controls for sorting and filtering displayed articles by Date, Title and Source.
Anyone notice some similiarities? I’d say Microsoft’s new “technology” is a direct rip. I hope Apple’s lawyers capitalize on this.