That depends on the script you use. At, they’ve got a bunch of chromeless windows, but not all of them are cross-browser. next to the name it will say All, or IE, or NS6; you should use one that says All.
I would definately suggest, if you are using these, to get it to work from an HTML page, then add in your Flash movie that calls the javascript from getURL.
if you dont mind me asking… Can someone explain wot is a chromeless window?? maybe even showme an example of a site with a chromeless window, and a site without ??
Thanks for that simple idea of building the page in HTML first. I don’t know why I hadn’t thought of it. I was building the pop-up windows in Flash right from the start.
Xtian - That’s how I do all my HTML/PHP related stuff, that way it’s easier to figure out where bugs are. (-:
DP - What chromless windows don’t? I’ve never had a problem (but I’ve only used the ones from dynamicdrive) I have, however had problems with NS (CSS too!!)
*Originally posted by DigitalPimp *
**Chromeless windows don’t work in IE6! **
Not true. It all depends on which script you use. Some of then even work on IE with service pack 1.