Hey guys, i am having a problem creating a borderless window, i was wondering if someone could help me. I followed the tutorial on this site, but its pretty crap, and it didn’t work, does anybody know how a borderless window can be achieved, ie no internet browser window, any help would be appreciated!!
bah not again…
::starts standard chromeless windows speech::
The chromeless windows tutorial here at Kirupa does work… but only for IE 6 and below. As of IE 6 SP1 microsoft changed something that stopped the older chromeless windows from working. A new release has been made since then at www.chromeless.org that now works in IE6 SP1 and previous browsers.
But even with this fix I see no reason to use Chromeless windows. Most people dislike pop-ups in the first place, let alone Chromeless pop-ups. And these windows only work for IE on Windows. Any other browser and any other OS will just display a standard pop-up window… so I just don’t see the point in them.
But anywho… take this info as you please and do what you want…
::ends standard chromeless windows speech::
Hey man, sorry for the hassle, i really appreciate your help!! That tutorial is really unclear, okay what i have done is I have created a flash document with a button, in the actions i have put the following
on (release) {
openIT(‘interface1.htm’, 900, 500, null, null, ‘mywinname01’);
I published this document and pasted it into a html document, along with the code on the tutorial, but for some reason, when i click on the button, nothing seems to happen, obviously something is not correct, do u know what might be the problem?
Ya, I think the tutorial needs to be cleard up a bit, because I ran it, and everyone elses tips, but never got it to work.
milkman: Your problem lies within your on (release)
[AS]on (release) {
openIT(‘interface1.htm’, 900, 500, null, null, ‘mywinname01’);
}[/AS]should be[AS]on (release) {
getURL(“java**script:openIT(‘interface1.htm’, 900, 500, null, null, ‘mywinname01’);”);
getURL() is flash’s version of A HREF in HTML. In the tutorial it does tell you to use a getURL
First, you will need to create a button in Flash. Once the button has been created, right click on the button and select Actions. Select Get URL by going to Basic Actions and Get URL. You will now be able to enter the URL that will enable the borderless window to launch. Copy and paste the following code:
and the following code is indeed the URL code you need to put in the URL parameter of the getURL.
The java**script: is important because it tells flash that the function being called is written in Javascript in the HTML page so Flash will know where to look for the function.
Oh, and if you download the files at chromeless.org for the new version, then it comes with instructions for use
In case you need a little extra boost - There’s a working example zipped up on this thread:
In addition to LIB’s link, you could also look for chromeless windows at http://www.dynamicdrive.com
Thanks guys for all your help, I really appreciate your help lostinbeta, everything is perfect now, but i have one little problem, the flash that appears on the screen, is too centralised, ti want it to appear on the left hand side, i was thinking that i could go into the HTML document and align it to the left, i know this is simple, but i have forgotton how to do it, do u know how i could do this?
Des croquettes de quoi?
Do you know of any codes or scripts that will prevent the back and forward button of a browser to kick you out of the site?
I know the easy way is to open another window from an Enter button, and I also tried one of those scripts posted earlier and also in MX those Anchor stuff that don’t work.
If you have any idea please let me know.
But don’t give me des Croquettes.
B.B.Milman change the null,null call in the script to width and height, null tells it to centre in the browser.