I realize this topic has been covered under Earlier posts (Flash MX) but I am wondering if my problem is player version related. I am trying to launch a pdf from a projector made in flash cs3 targeting player 8.
I have followed all recommended suggestions that work for others but to no avail.
- created my applescript, specified name of my pdf and name of my disc image, saved as application with the startup option unchecked
- placed it in an ‘fscommand’ folder on the root of my disc image which I made with Toast
- placed pdf in ‘fscommand’ folder and root of image (just incase)
- created a projector which has two buttons, both calling the same script but one specifying the extension (.app) as I wasn’t sure if it was necessary or not.
I have attached an example and screen grab of my setup. I anyone can help out I would be grateful.