I’m trying to launch a PDF from a flash projector on a mac using the exec fscommand and an applescript. Inside a disc image the applescript works fine on it’s own with the PDF but when trying to trigger it from the projector i’m not having much luck.
Here is the actionscript being used.
on (release) {
fscommand("exec", "fscommand/cdromTest_script1.app");
Ok, so your files work. I cannot tell the difference between your files and my files. I seem to be doing everything exactly the same so a couple questions. What is the appropriate way to create a batch file on a mac? Right now I am just using BBEdit and saving it out as text and then giving it the .bat extension. Also, is it possible that when i’m burning the CD i’m burning it in a way which is messing up the paths? I just don’t get it. The code seems identical.
Yeah 1 bat or applescript per pdf. But I think i’m on the verge of figuring this stuff out. Apparently there is an option on the mac when you are saving out txt files for PC where you can select “DOS Line breaks”. I opened up one of my mac bat files on the PC and instead of line breaks everything was on one line and there was a rectangle shape everywhere there was supposed to be a line break. This HAS to be the problem. If not it’s all over man. Ok, i’ll let everyone know the scoop soon!