Learning ActionScript

Ok, i have flashMX2004pro, i used flashmx before and know all basic animation and very basic actionscripting.

But know i want to get beter in AS, but i have NO idea where to start.
btw: by very basic as knowledge i mean:
I can create a simple fully working website. like my own:

But i really want to get better. there is one problem tho (or maybe not), i SUCK at maths. and i mean I REALLY REALLY REALLY SUCK. (sorry for language)

and thats not all. i look try threads adn tutorials and i see al kinda thing like “strings” “Arrays” “math” “cos” “sin” and more/etc, and i have no idea what they are, what they can do etc. and i have the flash help files and stuff, dont understad a single thing. I can do tutorials and suff, but some offer little to no explenation to the as used.

So i need your help bad! I would love it if someone could tell me whats best to do first and how to/where to move on and if i should even continue because of my math problem.

Thank you so much in advance!!