"Answer me this please…Will Iraq be better off in say, 6 months & one year phrom now, than it was a year ago? I am curious as to your answer…
Also, will Iraq be better off in 5 years phrom now, then where it was 5 years back…?
I just want to hear you answer these questions; Am curius, enquiring minds wanna know…"
I don’t know if it will be good or bad. But if you are going to expect that the country will be so good and rich and everything positive just because one old man is gone your wrong. US has many historical records of installing dictators in for old ones. Therefore it would be the same.
“This is the reason why I don’t come to ordered… Because it’s all rhetoric arguments unsupported by facts. Like kirupa said, yeah, there’s dumb idiots in the army (like all those idiots that keep putting up american flags). But our purpose is not to take over iraq, or to kill iraqis, or even get rid of weapons of mass distruction. This is a war about removing a bad leader… yeah, about 1700 civilians have died… we might get oil, yeah, we might get lucrative contracts, but you mean to tell me that this is WORSE than allowing Saddam to govern? The number of people he has killed ranges in the hundreds of thousands… I can’t have any respect for anyone who thinks this is ok.”
No, what I am worried about is that they will put in some moron that will just be a puppet to US, and the US will then get cheap oil and Iraq will still be a bad place to live.
"Yeah, 2 troops say something like that, and now I am supposed to think the entire military is filled with people who simply hate civilians. ’
I think that if 2 troops say those disgusting remarks, then the army is corrupt and has failed to even look good. In my opinion, 2 troops saying those is enough, because then there could be a lot more like them, but they won’t talk about it.
"because a few people from the Middle East rammed planes into the US buildings; taking your logic, I should presume that all Middle Easterners are intent on killing Americans.’
HAHA! I laugh at this witty remark. In US lots of people are prejudice and racist against middle easterners because they think that they will all kill americans. That’s why they racially profile at the border and that’s why they lock up thousands of muslims and middle easterns in California. And also, 2 troops saying something and judging them is different than judging an ethnic background. Troops are not ethnic backgrounds, therfore there is no relevant link.