I have two movies A and B respectively. In movie B I have two movie clips "1’ and “2”. “1” and “2” are being called in Movie B (using tell target). Movie A calls move B (using tell target again).
Problem is, when I execute movie A, movie clips “1” and “2” are not executing. It works fine when I run movie B alone.
Check to see if you have any “instance” names duplicated. If you do, it will screw up opperations which don’t even relate directly to those two movie clips. They all have to be unique.
If that’s not it… post back… I’ll try to think of what else does that
I have checked for any duplication in the “instance”, and found no duplication.
In my First movie “A” I have two “instance”: Clock and Container respectively. In my second movie “B” I have two instances again by the name: Up and Down.
You’re loading these movies into levels using the loadMovieNum(); method?
If so, remember that your telltargets need to reflect the level first in the string of movieclip accountability.
With two movies A and B respectively. We’re assuming that A is loaded into the main player at level0, and that B is loaded into level1.
In movie B I have two movie clips "1’ and “2”. “1” and “2” are being called in Movie B (using tell target). Movie A calls move B (using tell target again).
a movie clip in A would communicate with a movie clip in B like so.
a movie clip in B would communicate with a movie clip in A like so.
or like so;
_root always represents the level0 movie.
Now… if you wanted a movie clip in movie A to communicate with the main timeline of B then you would do this.
Personaly, I like to load movies into movie clips using the loadMovie(); method… but that’s just personal choice really.
Did that make sense? Can I explain anything better?
oh… and to note. If you’re using the old syntax from Flash 4.0 for “tellTarget”, the above script might look a little confusing. What I posted above is shorthand for tellTarget. It simply means that in Flash 5.0 you don’t have to enter all of the telltarget text. Instead you just point to an object using a string address separated by “.”'s and then give that object a command.