Limit for dynamic text?


can i know if there is a limit for the number of words used in dynamic text?

my text in the txt file is too long and can’t display in the text box?

any solution to this?

I don’t know of a limit, perhaps you have an “&” symbol in there.

The & symbol represents a new variable in the text file, so if there is one in there Flash it told to stop reading there.

An example of what I mean is…

&var1= this is text one
&var2= this is text two
&var3= this is text three

ok thanks
solved the problem already

by the way anyone here know how to create an installation file for the .exe and all the .txt files that i created?

i am creating an interactive cd-rom and i want the user to install the exe file into their hard disk and not running it through the cdrom

any ideas?

No clue.

3rd party software like SWF Studio