Linkage Issue

Hey all,

This is sort of my last resort. I have read like 13 other forums as well as the adobe forum and everyone says the samething, however I have put like 6 hours of work into coding this and it would suck if its impossible.

I created a lecture that uses mp3 files and I used the linkage option within the library to use the mp3 files in my AS. My code works and everything is great. All the controls are perfect.

The preloader. I understand that by having each mp3 file export to the first frame it gets called before the preloader function. When I uncheck export to first frame, I get a 1180 error. I have changed the publish settings to it exports to the 5th frame. I still get the 1180 error.

I need a solution that only has one (1) swf file, doesn’t export to the first frame, and does not give me a 1180 error (call to possibly undefined method).

I have a sneaky suspition that it is a flaw within Flash itself and therefore has no workaround/fix. But I am optimistic that someone else has had this issue and has been working on a solution.



ps. When posting using FireFox you can’t highlight or move around your post. FireFox Rocks!!