Has anybody used Linux. Will all the usual apps work with it? I would be interested in giving it a go…
Has anybody used Linux. Will all the usual apps work with it? I would be interested in giving it a go…
Windows apps wont run in Linux…
(Well you can try to get them to run with WINE but its not that great…)
(but if you use reg apps like office and stuff like that, there are ussually comparable applications for Linux)
its a nice OS but its a power user’s OS… so if you can barly use windows i wouldnt attempt linux…
its a fairly secure OS and runs really well on most machines, but a good security tip is, dont log on to the system as root unless you need to configure something or the like…
anyway its a cool OS, and its fun to tinker with, i’d start off with Red Hat or Mandrake (both different flavors of Linux) they seem to be the most User friendly… =)
Thanks Ray…
np, i personally love Linux. If all my windows apps ran in linux nativly with no probs, i’d switch in a heartbeat, but for now MS has the market, and i go where the money is =)
What about the MX suite and prog’s like that. That’s all i really use.
Yep… i wouldn’t use windows if linux had native support for it’s applications…
though, the windows emulators for linux are getting much much better… i have a friend of mine who runs the Flash IDE on windows, trouble-free…
If you happen to speak german by any chance (which i dont), you might wanna run knoppix (a linux distro), that runs off the CD (i.e. no need to install anything at all)… it comes will a lot of apps and stuff… kinda nice to play with…
no… not yet…
If you want the powe of Unix (linux is a unix based system) and all the cool support for most apps, Get a mac with Os X. =) its pretty sweet =)
i actually got Flash 5 to run on linux but it took a long time to configure and it was pretty unstable… =)
That’s (knoppix) what was recomended to me, but an english version. I’ve been told it’s very good…
yeah… the first time the guy ran flash mx on the machine it took like seconds to open the Actions panel… wasn’t stable at all… but he told me they improved the emulators now… he said it runs pretty smoothly
does knoppix come in an english version? :!:
A friend at work told me he’s got it, so it must be… I’ll investigate more tomorrow and let you know, but for the moment i think i’ll stay with win2k, and let him do the testing…
Dave - thanks for the input
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