this stuff is cool. i am learning a lot. i want a linux box…but even my old PC i bet couldnt hadel it. (its from 95)
I’ve got a magazine which discusses installing linux and comes with a disc with what you need to install a certain type of Linux but I’m not too sure how to create a partition on a certain hard drive that I had intended to use on another computer and that other computer is as good as new… not the best thing to try my first installation of Linux on =).
I’ve got a pile of old pc components building up and once I’ve got myself a shell and a few components from another PC at home which won’t be needed in about three months, I will set up Linux on there. I’m hoping to use it as a webserver as well :). Unfortunately, I’ve got to wait three months :-.
I’ve considered installing Linux a few times before…just for the learning experience more than anything. But, I have come to the conclusion that I don’t want to screw up my machine (again).
I tried to install Windows 3.1 a while back (hey, I had the discs laying around) and have a dual boot windows 3.1/xp machine. I’ve read that it can be done, but you have to install Windows 3.1 first. Well, something went wrong and my computer wouldn’t read either partition. Three days later I finally got my machine working again (I love Partition Magic!)…moral of the story: don’t mess around with OS’s unless you really know what you’re doing or it’s on an old machine that you don’t care about.
*Originally posted by *
**this stuff is cool. i am learning a lot. i want a linux box…but even my old PC i bet couldnt hadel it. (its from 95) **
well dont be surprised linux isnt very demanding on speed or ram its just very picky about your hardware is all you can run a linux box on a 486 pc so yes it will run on your 133mhz pc since that was what the standard was back in 95 lol oh god the nightmares rotflmao