
I was with my friend to a pc shop and tools.
They where selling OS :- Linux 13,2$ and I felt in Love with it when i saw the screenshots and the good things in it :slight_smile:

I have Win xp and Im very bord of MICROSOFT, I whant something new and cool !!!

What do you think of Linux and shall I buy it or `??

Thanx :wink:

btw .- you get the full version and the newest


you can just download the isos…for free.

check the wuarchive ( i believe.

edit: here:

your link leads to the site of
Washington University in St.Louis LOL :evil:

you can get it for free just run a search for red hat. i wanted to a while back, but never did

How to install if ?
And Can I choos between windows and Linux on startup ?

Tell me how because I did not understand the help and how to install linux on !

help =)

*Originally posted by Blastboy *
**your link leads to the site of
Washington University in St.Louis LOL :evil: **
um, yeah. you can download it right from their server.

place a link

I press redhat and I choos 8.0 and it gets me there

Shall I download everything and ?

oh i see, those images are just the setup file. I think for the red hat release you’ll have to download the actual image/files through the setup.

honestly, i’d stay away from linux. it could hurt your computer and destroy everything you have. what you saw in linux was probably X, their GUI for linux. setting that up is a pain in itself. setting up linux just to run is a completely different story.

X has its problems but Linux is definitely “cool”
If you have an older computer or a spare Id suggest installing it on that and not your primary work/play computer. Things can go wrong (and have for me in the past) and it can take a while to get things back up and running again. Sometimes it can be more of a hassle than its worth, but having a running linux box is great fun too.

Id suggest Mandrake or maybe even Suse (I think Slackware has a easy installer too). RedHat is a goodun but its very enterprise oriented - but also the most popular and probably the most heavily developed. If you do a little research online you can find some good resources on the different distributions and which is good for you, along with what to do and how to do it. Its a geeky system and there are plenty of willing helping eager hands out there to make a linux user out of you yet.

the cd I saw is LINUX and I can run it from the CD and not install !!!

if I whant to install then i can also ?

is that good ?

why are you installing Linux ?

it’s mostly for programmers and people who know a lot about shell programming since you have to install everything yourself.
Almost no known software will play. And you’ll end up having two different OSes on the same computer, and since Linux harddisk storage is different (better than windows’ btw) you’ll end up with two 2 hard drives that won’t be able to share files between each other…

now if you are an computer ace then go ahead, it’s true Linux looks slick and is much more performant than windows. but such a hassle yet…

hmm you have apoint there :slight_smile:

dont scare him off :stuck_out_tongue: No KNOWN software will play because you dont have Linux to get to know the software with! There are Office clones, photoshop clones, quark clones (ok well not clones but apps that do the same things) as well as a lot of free games out there made by geeks who like writing for the OS. Its something to play with =)

But like I said, use a seperate computer if you have one and having a fully installed linux OS is better than running one off a CD. Expect to botch things up. Thats half the fun though :slight_smile:

hey, there’s also WINE (sorry, no cheese…come on, it’s a french joke :sigh:**) which is a windows emulator for Linux.

(sen you might have to clear that up, i forget if it’s an emulator or a console that runs a windows installation).

WINE is not an emulator. It actually stands for Wine Is Not an Emulator :slight_smile: It doesnt run windows either, rather it tries to recreate windows APIs from scratch allowing windows apps to think they are running on windows when being run.

hey look, im a linux fan too - my father works at HP and 99% of the time with linux, redhat mandrake and even g-nome (which is - a cute name)… And I appreciate linux a lot, i’ve worked with ‘the gimp’ during summer last year cos that’s the only thing i had back then…

all im saying is that linux IS for people who know more than the average computer skills.
and I agree that it’s more stable, consumes less RAM and is structured much better… but until software makers really consider this potential market i won’t make the switch…
and besides a photoshop-clone ain’t photoshop =)…

all Im saying is that linux can be fun to play around with =)

id recommend mandrake, so far its the easiest linux ive used although i hear suse is one of the best, the problem with linux is if you plan to do websites useign your favorite apps its not possible so if thats what you want dont install linux if you just want a whole new experience try what sen said and install it on an old machine so you wont be sorry when you lose all your data :angry:

*Originally posted by senocular *
**WINE is not an emulator. It actually stands for Wine Is Not an Emulator :slight_smile: It doesnt run windows either, rather it tries to recreate windows APIs from scratch allowing windows apps to think they are running on windows when being run. **
…thus a windows emulator, no? :stuck_out_tongue:

those unix geeks are really something.

‘GNU’ = “GNU is Not Unix”

yeah if it werent for the name Id just as well consider it an emulator :slight_smile: