does anyone know how or has seen an example of a liquid text effect in FMX.
Something along the lines of a sentence wobbleing and wibbleing around in a liquid type way???
anyone has any ideas it would be good to hear from you.
does anyone know how or has seen an example of a liquid text effect in FMX.
Something along the lines of a sentence wobbleing and wibbleing around in a liquid type way???
anyone has any ideas it would be good to hear from you.
you could certainly program something, like wavy text as if it was sitting on some water. It would have to be done letter by letter though. In other words, there will be a movieclip to animate for each letter in the text. Is that a problem given your situation?
so you would put AS on each individual letter to make it wobble?
if you have an example tucked away somewhere i’d be grateful to see it.
well I dont have an example but I could help you work through it.
but basically yeah. Youd have a movieclip with each letter and tell each letter to move (wobble) in a way which would make it seem as if it were on water
105% certain that senocular is right and this effect can be coded - I myself am not advanced enought to help on that. However I do know that the same effect can be created with a mask - i think what you are looking for is called the ripple effect and there is a tute somewhere at flashkit ( tho’ this uses images and not text - but the prinicple the same).
here is a (very ) rough version that I just knocked up that demonstartes the basics.
The letter A in the top layer is the size I made it, the letterA in the bottom(masked layer is scaled to 105% and the mask does the rest.
let me know if this helps or you need any furhter explanation
cheers Steve for taking the time to post an example. its a good idea and a good basis to start from - i’ll tincker with and see what i can come up with.
i’m am in the same position as you in that i’m not advanced enough to code this.
i can get mc’s to shake through the use of AS but it aint a wobble. i litterally want the letters to wobble like a jelly.
senocular, if you’ve got time to help you’ve got at least two poeple here willing to learn.
** wobble like a jelly** well why didn’t you say (lol!!!)
My first ever actionscript book was Foundation Actionscript by Sham Bhangal - he has a chapter in there somewhere about this very same effect - more detail can be found at FoE, also some time ago the world famous pixelxit over at posted a file called bounce.
The attached is a combiantion of both that I have used to good effect on buttons mainly - it needs adapting for MX if you are a stickler for putting code on frames rather than mc’s.
Look on the mc for the code and comments, you will need to play around with the numbers in the onLoad actions) to get precisely the effect you want.
credit and thanks go to Sham Bhangal and pixelwit
whooooooooooops forgot to upload…here it is…
heres one from me
oops maybe I missunderstood the effect :!:
oh well :sure:
Nice one senocular, and your notes make it very easy to work out
if you have no objections I can see a lot of uses for that
thanks guys. both scripts are fantastic. I’m gonna work on combining them both and i recon it will be wobbletastic.
i’ll go home watch a bit of the cricket and then work on a variation tonight. i’ll post results tomorrow, see what you think.
cheers again
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