Little vector art thing

[ot][rant] Whenever I go to it it just comes up with the ā€œLogged in deviantART members donā€™t see these ads. Join today.ā€ page, so I click continue, but it just comes up with the page again, I go to and login, it still does it. [/rant][/ot]

Ok here.

nice :smiley:

not bad, I donā€™t like that choppy black circle tho.

Yea im finding the circle thing less attractive every secondā€¦

Here is a updated version with the circle thing removed.

And here is my new wallpaper :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice stuff, I like the new version much betta.

Work on your arrows and your colours :thumb:

How so?

ā– ā– ā– ā–  mike, im impressed. you DID do this on your own? did you use a tut? I think youā€™ve just unlocked your wild side by finally getting Photoshop :slight_smile:

And btwā€¦the new one is better :slight_smile:

[quote=SlicDiggy;1984768]ā– ā– ā– ā–  mike, im impressed. you DID do this on your own? did you use a tut? I think youā€™ve just unlocked your wild side by finally getting Photoshop :slight_smile:

And btwā€¦the new one is better :)[/quote]
No tut used :slight_smile: I really like vector art one guy that I have on my watch does amazing work and I get alot of inspiration from his work.

Your colours are clashing, 100% of what makes good art are good colours.

[whisper]well, not 100%ā€¦ but a very high percentage nonetheless[/whisper]

The structure of the arrows is too blandā€¦ you need to stylize themā€¦ make the arrowhead shorter and the tail wider, play around, donā€™t do anything that is ā€œnormalā€

Lol I have I canā€™t do anything to the arrows because everything on there is a brush stroke. :stuck_out_tongue: I mean I would if I could, and I never knew there was normal to someones thought.

Well lolā€¦ Arenā€™t brush strokes kinda cheating?

Isā€™nt making digital art kinda cheating? After all its not really art, Art is sculptures and paintings and drawings.
Also here is something else I made not big of a change because I still have a builing and arrows going on but its pretty cool im starting to wonder if I went a bit over board with the stars?

Well, what I meant is that your just taking someone elseā€™s work and just chaning the color and the positionā€¦? Thatā€™s what brushes are no?

I thought brushes were something you downloaded and installed and were allowed to use as a brush in photoshop. Hmm, And if what you say is true then that means that even if you donā€™t use downloadable brushes and only use the default then you are still cheating because it is originally adobes work, and in the end every piece of art made by photoshop should not be copyrighted by the users because its already copyright of adobeā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:


Looking good :thumb: BUT the moon/sun looks a bit squished

Yeah, and you may have gon a tad crazy on the starsā€¦

Alright Iā€™ll change that.