giving me crap again

Ok I posted something on here when Microsoft first released live about how it treats FireFox and IE users differently.
I thought now its been out 6 months so I will check it out again.

I could be wrong here but I think again it is treating me differently because I am a FireFox user.
[SIZE=3]Can anyone confirm this or am I going mad ?[/SIZE]**[/COLOR]

When I view this URL in IE it shows 4 live services.

When I view the same URL in FireFox it shows me 21.

When I click on
Windows Live Mail Desktop Beta
in IE it takes me to a sign up page so that they can perhaps let me join in the future.

When I click on the link on the FireFox page it takes me straight to the Download page.
However the download link is not clickable in FireFox.

But if you copy that URL back into IE you can download the program…

Note: When I downloaded and installed it there was a error program not installed re-download… Did that and same error.