Load and unload .swf files

I have a problem…im working on this wesite and I can’t seem to get the pages which are all individual swf files to do what i want them to do.

here what I have so far. www.jcgsolutions.ca/fever/index.html. the pages move in from the right and disappear when the another button is pressed. However i would like each page to scroll out the same way it scrolls in. I not sure how to accomplish this with actionscript because for one i’m not the best programmer and two I’m not that comfortable with Flash yet.

I would be of great help if someone could help me with this.


can´t see it:(


there was a period at the end of that link…ooops! sorry.


First: use preloaders! You can find a bunch of tutes here that show you how to do this.

Second: You can make the content in a single movieclip that slides from one section to another (see movement/easing tutes).

Try these tips, if you find yourself in some trouble come back here and we will help you out.

you can read this thread, it might be helpfull in your case:

F5} a true challenge : who can help me to get this script working?


Oh yeah I never even thought of that…thanks

