Load movie / creating full flash site tut question

after following the “creating full flash site” tutorial here on kirupa.com, i cant seem to figure out how to load a third movie, inside the second loaded movie. more specificly i want the main movie navigation to load a sub navigation movie, and then the sub navigtion to load content movies. i can get the sub navigation to load, OR the content… but i cant get the sub navigation to stay there, and then load the content. i’m a visual person, so i’ve attached a simple gif diagraming what i mean. also, here is the link to the tutorial on this site


that i followed and am trying to modify to fit my own project

i’m looking to either modify the approach in that tutorial, or for a diff aproach all together.


oh… i’m sure this question has been answered here before, but the search function keeps giving me errors and no results this morning…