Load movie into target help please

Hi I’ve just completed a wicked load movie into target (Flash MX) From this site.

I have a main movie which has about 14 buttons which have the load movie into container script on each.

Each button then pulls in a seperate swf file (This swf file also has a preloader in it) into the container onpress.

Everything working fine offline but as soon as uploaded encountering problems.

The seperate file pulled into the container do not work first time takes a second click to work fully.

This has really been wrecking me.

Anyone with any ideas
Thanxs in advance

try using Onrelease instead on on press

It might help

I’ll give it a whirl.


Check your case sensitivity on your file names. On your local machine, if one letter is upper case while in Flash it’s lower case it will work - as soon as you try it on Unix - it will not recognize it.

First time I did that, I smoked three packs of cigarettes and ripped out half my hair before I realized that that was the prob. I hope that’s it for you.

Thanks FreddyThunder already gone through that one…

This sure is using up some smokes…

Take a look and see if it sheds any light on the subject…

User - * Pass - *

ps its the vertical menu thats the prob not the top menu…

Code used on each button is.

buttonnameher.onRelease = function () {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip(“container”, 1) ;
loadMovie(“filenamehere.swf”, “container”) ;
container._x = 173 ;
container._y = 0 ;

access denied!

username - shallroc
password - nokia

should work

You’re talking about Howies, Squaremountain, … right ? The movies load fine after one click for me :slight_smile:

Works fine for me too. Sometimes it takes a little time for the net to finish requests if the bandwidth in your area is being swamped. Could be that…good luck

****, here we go it’s a mac thing…
What a *******

This has been wrecking me…

Thanks for that Voetsjoeba

Need to find a work around now… ^-^

can anyone test this on a mac for me as well.

Be much appreciated…


Cheers everyone…


From what everyone is saying it seems thet the movies which I am trying to load ( which have a preloader already in them)
Doesn’t work properly.

It works fine for itself but when it is pulled into my main movie does not calculate properly and only loads some of the movie…

Have to have alook around for this one.


I thought we all said it works?

Freddy -

can anyone test this on a mac for me as well.

I can’t - out of my department.

Thanks freddy got it all sorted this morning, tested it on a 2 machines last night and it was still not working as it should have… still 2 clicks.

But the forum got me thinking on the right track.

It was to do with the preloader I was using in the external swf files…

Started a new forum on loading external assets into mc…

Got a wicked proper preloader for external assets… lostinbeta

Thank lostinbeta
Thanks to everyone…Good job