quote = new Array(“many thing”, “in here”, “etc”);
_parent.textmc.text = quote.length;
rndm = random(quote.length);
movie = rndm;
_parent.qt.text = quote[movie];
if u are loading the quote.swf into another movie, then it is going to look for those files in _root, which is the main movie. _parent will look for them in the movie loaded
inside MainMovie you have a MC named loadInto. when you click a button in MainMovie, it loads Quotes.swf into loadInto. if in Quotes.swf you have code that says _root., it will look in MainMovie, since now MainMovie is the _root. Changing code that is only relevant to Quotes.swf to _parent. will look for those files within Quotes.swf, and not MainMovie.swf.
I kno this is horribly worded, but im just gettin into the swing of things
and before, I had a loader in the quotes.swf. But it never played, I don’t know why. So I trashed the loader. Any idea why? It worked when I previewed.