Load Movie to Scene in Another Movie


I have a button on “movie1” that when clicked - I want to load “movie2” with a scene called “login” - my login scene is not the first scene in movie2…it’s the fourth scene in “movie2”…this is what i have

on (release) {
loadMovieNum(“movie2.swf”, 0);

eachtime i test movie1…the when I click my button it takes me to the first scene in movie2…i need the button to go straight to scene 4

any suggestions?


First off, I would not use scenes. You can do a search here to find out why. It just gets messy for me, personally.

However, I looked at an old fla of mine and found something out. I would load in ‘movie2’ into an empty movieClip somewhere on the stage called ‘container’. Then after you load it in, you can tell it where to go like:

_root.container.gotoAndPlay("login", 1);

I don’t know if that would work for you, but it’s a shot. Why would you load in a movie that you don’t want to start at the beginning for? Just curious…


this may work;

on (release) {
loadMovieNum(“movie2.swf”, 0); //if you use “0” you’re bumping off prior stuff
level0.gotoAndPlay(“useA_frameLabel_nameNotaScene”); //<–add this